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What is IRS forgives penalties

Do not pay an IRS Penalty without looking into Penalty Relief



Can IRS forgive penalties



The vast majority of penalties are not abated by the IRS. Why? It could be because people don’t know how to ask for penalty relief or that it may seem too difficult. Here are some reasons why it's worth it.

To encourage compliance, the IRS uses penalties a lot. The IRS is responsible for assessing millions of penalties each year that amount to billions of dollars. The IRS offers several options for those who are eligible to have penalties removed or abated.

For not filing and not paying taxes, the IRS has the most severe penalties

The Internal Revenue Code contains almost 150 penalties. However, there are a few more common penalties that makeup 74%. These are the most popular penalties:

  • Penalty for failure to pay penalty - 56% on all penalties if you fail to pay taxes on time
  • Failure to File Penalty - 14% of all penalties imposed if you fail to file a return in time
  • Failure to Deposit Penalty - 4% of all penalties imposed on businesses that fail to pay their employment taxes on time or incorrectly

Late-filing penalties for S corporations and partnerships are a common nuisance penalty. Taxpayers often contest the estimated tax penalty by making an exception to their tax returns.

Can IRS Forgive Penalties?


The IRS will not remove penalties for these reasons

Request a penalty abatement to reduce the most commonly used penalties.

1. Statutory exception: Proving a specific, authoritative exclusion to the penalty

Statutory exemptions are rare and can be explained to the IRS easily, usually at tax filing. Examples of such exceptions are combat zone relief and disaster relief.

2. IRS error: Documenting the fact that the error resulted from IRS advice

This penalty relief argument is rarely used and is often unsuccessful. The IRS does not routinely provide tax advice in writing. You must document any erroneous IRS advice that you have relied upon. Although the Internal Revenue Manual says that penalty relief is available for errors in oral advice, it is very rare.

3. Reasonable cause is a reason you can't comply with the request based on your facts.

People often argue that they were guided incorrectly by their tax software or tax professionals. This argument falls under Reasonable Cause.

You must show that you used ordinary business care and prudence but were unable to comply to present a reasonable reason for late payment and filing. Also, you must show that your non-compliance wasn't due to willful neglect.

Most people aren't successful in presenting reasonable cause arguments to the IRS, particularly in court. Most penalty abatement decisions never reach court. The IRS makes most administrative decisions.

You must ensure that the IRS considers all facts and circumstances to be successful with reasonable cause determinations. You should appeal any penalty abatement rejection letter that does not address all of your facts and arguments.

4. Administrative waiver: Taking advantage of a provision that facilitates tax administration

Under certain conditions, the IRS may grant administrative relief from a penalty. First-time penalty abatement is the most common administrative waiver.

FTA can be used for failure to file, failure to pay, or failure to deposit penalties in one tax period if you have a clean compliance record for the last three years. FTA can be used to abate penalties on Form 1040 and Form 1120 as well as payroll and pass-through entities.

FTA is the most straightforward option for penalty relief. It is possible to request FTA by calling the number listed on your IRS notice. If applicable, your tax professional can also call the designated tax pro hotline and compliance unit to request FTA for any penal amount.


If certain criteria are met, the first-time penalty abatement (FTA waiver) is an administrative waiver that may be granted by the IRS to taxpayers who fail to file, fail-to-payor fail-to-deposit penalties. This procedure rewards taxpayers who have a clean compliance record. Everyone is entitled to one error.

FTA may be requested by individuals and businesses for failure to file, failure to pay, or failure deposit penalties. FTA does not apply to any other penalties, such as the accuracy penalty, returns with an event-based filing requirement like Forms 706, 709, or information reporting that relies on other filings.

Additional guidance

Refer to IRM20., Reasonable Cause Assistant (RCA), and IRM20. First Abate (FTA),.

The following criteria are required for taxpayers to be eligible for FTA waiver:

  • Compliance: You must have filed all required returns (or extended the deadline for filing them) and you can't have any outstanding requests for returns from the IRS.

  • Payment compliance - Must have paid all taxes due (can be made in installments if they are current).

  • Clear penalty history: There have been no previous penalties (except for a possible tax penalty) in the three preceding years.

Please note that IRM, Criterion for Relief from Penalties, penal relief under administrative waivers (which includes FTA) must be taken into consideration and applied before reasonable cause.

Phone to request penalty abatement

If the tax practitioner is not being assigned to a particular compliance unit (examination or collection), he or she may call the IRS Practitioner Priority Service line (PPS) at 866.860.4259 and request FTA. To request FTA, the practitioner should contact the unit that is handling the case. To request penalty abatement over the telephone, a tax practitioner will need to have authorization ( Form 2848. Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative). The IRS representative who answers the call should have the ability to pull up the client's account and determine if FTA criteria have been met. If so, the IRS agent will apply for the waiver. A letter would be sent to the taxpayer indicating that penalties have been removed based on FTA criteria. It is recommended that the taxpayer follow-up with the IRS if the letter does not arrive within 30 days of the date of the call.

Tip Often, calling the IRS to request FTA is the best way to do so. Many penalties can be quickly removed during a phone call. Sometimes, however, the IRS may not be able to reduce the penalty amount over the telephone. To request FTA, the tax practitioner must write to the IRS. It is also advisable to send a letter to IRS to confirm that the IRS has lowered penalties by calling. Include the date, agent's name, and identification number.

Send a letter or mail to request a penalty reduction

A tax practitioner can request FTA for his client by writing to the IRS instead of calling the IRS. All relevant information should be included in the request, including taxpayer name, identification number, and tax year/period. It is important to clearly state that the client meets FTA criteria. Attach transcripts from clients that can prove compliance with filing/payment requirements and a clean history of penalties (Form 2848). All pages sent to IRS must include page numbers, taxpayer's name, and their identification number's last four digits.


  • FTA is only applicable to one tax year/period. FTA does not apply to requests for penalty relief for multiple tax years/periods. If the FTA criteria are met, penalty relief will only be granted for the first tax year/period. All subsequent tax years/periods are subject to penalty relief based on other provisions such as reasonable cause criteria.

  • If the IRS has not assessed the penalty, then a client may file a late return and fail-to-file or failure-to-pay penalties will apply. The taxpayer can attach a penalty request nonassertion to the late-filed returns.

  • To request a refund, a client who has already paid the penalty may file Form 833, Claim for Refund, or Request for Abatement.

  • Consider appealing to the Appeals if the IRS refuses to grant penalty relief. The appeals may reach a different conclusion based on other factors such as the hazards of litigation.

  • Although each case is unique, the CPA (client advocate), cannot request abatement for the client. With a simple telephone call or letter to IRS, clients can save thousands on penalties and rely on their tax professional for assistance.

  • Ahmah Hamidi
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IRS Tax Forgiveness Programme



How Do You Qualify For IRS Forgiveness?


What is the IRS Tax Forgiveness program?

The US has only two absolutes: death and taxes. There is no escape from either of these two absolutes, and the future does not look promising. You may qualify for the IRS tax forgiveness program if you are on the wrong side. This program is part of the Offer In Compromise section of the US Tax Code.

The IRS can offer this program to anyone who qualifies. There is no guaranteed acceptance policy. There are many requirements to the OIC program. You must show that you meet all of them. These programs allow taxpayers who owe back taxes to the IRS or owe a debt to them to settle for a lower amount.

Call now at 877-788-2977 to find out if you are eligible for tax forgiveness.

IRS Tax Forgiveness Programme

The OIC, or Offer In Compromise, is one way that the IRS came up with to collect tax payments owed to taxpayers. Many believed that the IRS wanted to be more flexible in recovering money owed to them by adding these programs to the tax code.

This program is designed to allow the IRS to maximize its ability to collect the tax money it owes while making it less painful for taxpayers. To be eligible for the IRS Tax Forgiveness program, you must first owe at least $10,000 to the IRS in back taxes. Next, you must prove to IRS that you do not have the funds to repay the money within a reasonable time.

The IRS will examine your assets and income potential to determine if it is possible to collect all back taxes owed. If the IRS determines it is in their best interests to settle for less than they offer, they will accept a compromise.


What can we do to help you?

We are a top firm that provides tax resolution services to clients. This makes us uniquely qualified to help determine if you qualify for an OIC through the IRS Tax Forgiveness Program. We can help determine if your situation is one that an IRS Offer in Compromise might be appropriate for.

We can help you decide if it is worth your time. There is no guarantee that you will be accepted. Although it may seem that the IRS is being more accommodating to taxpayers, their real goal is to collect as much money as possible from you.


The IRS can add a lot to your delinquent back taxes. They also expect you to pay the entire amount unless they make other arrangements. The IRS has a few tax relief options to help you if your taxes are not paying. This article will explain what tax forgiveness is and how you can qualify. It will also discuss the differences between tax exemptions, tax allowances, and tax forgiveness. The IRS has different eligibility requirements.

What can be done to forgive back taxes?

Many myths surround tax forgiveness. You can find programs that will assist you in cases of exceptional circumstances, such as the innocent spouse provisions. These programs are not for everyone. To reduce your owed amount, the IRS fresh start initiative allows you to receive forgiveness credits from your earned income.

What is Tax Forgiveness?

Credits against back taxes are the best way to get tax forgiveness. These credits can help reduce your tax liability. You must ensure that the IRS considers your taxable income and non-taxable income as well as your financial situation and family size.

Compromise or Offer

These numbers will be taken into consideration by the IRS and you may be eligible to file an Offer in Compromise. This is the closest the IRS can offer to tax forgiveness, excluding those exceptional situations. It basically allows you to negotiate with the IRS the amount that you can pay.


How Do You Qualify For IRS Forgiveness?


There are many ways you could get in trouble with your taxes. These relate directly to how the IRS determines what level of forgiveness you should receive. These are the most common tax pitfalls.

  • Income on tax forms that are overstated or understated
  • Inadequately taking all deductions into consideration
  • Bracket creep
  • Unexpected income increases without taking steps to reduce tax liability
  • Inadequate reporting of income from the side or contractual jobs
  • Inadequate reporting of earned money from investments

These tax pitfalls have a common theme: you made more than you paid taxes on. The IRS will generally not forgive you for owing them money unless you ask forgiveness.

How it works

Tax forgiveness doesn't mean that your IRS will eliminate your debt. It's about you disclosing accounting errors and proving extenuating circumstances and then negotiating a settlement. Can a back tax amount ever be forgiven? Many factors can affect the answer.


You should be prepared to reveal all income sources. These figures are used by the IRS to determine your ability to pay taxes. This will be considered if you are unable to pay taxes.


This is the second step in determining your ability to pay. There are national standards that govern how much you can deduct from your income to pay for items like transportation, health care, and household goods (like clothing, food, etc.). Local standards are used to calculate living expenses. With sufficient documentation, you can sometimes take into account amounts that are higher than these standards.

The end result

Similar to how your initial income tax is calculated, the IRS takes into consideration your total income, subtracts expense allowances, and calculates your total ability to pay. If your offer in compromise is acceptable, the IRS will generally follow a six-year repayment rule.

Additional eligibility requirements

You may also be eligible for a higher tax forgive or total forgiveness of back taxes if you do not have the following. The easiest way to get total forgiveness is to show that your allowable expenses have reduced your disposable income below the point where payments would be a financial hardship. Sometimes, this can be difficult to do. To get back tax forgiveness, there are a few things you need to do.


Natural Disaster Assistance

The IRS allows taxpayers to itemize their deductions to claim losses for property or businesses that are affected by declared catastrophes. Examples of recent examples include Hurricane Maria, Hurricane Irma, and the recent California wildfires. Tax returns can be used to claim disaster casualties in the same year as the disaster. Payments for declared disasters are made faster.

In most cases, taxpayers living in the affected areas get extensions for when their taxes must be filed. This is usually so that taxpayers have enough time to collect all the casualty information for their forms.

Innocent Spouse

This applies to legally separated couples and divorcees. You can request to have your tax bill waived if you can prove your spouse is responsible for the tax liability.

To avoid being charged with the tax bill, be prepared to provide all documentation requested by the IRS. This is not a forgiveness program. It's more about assigning the responsibility for back taxes to the right person.

Currently not Collectible

There is an option to avoid paying your IRS back taxes if you are truly unable to do so. To be considered Currently Not Collectible, you must have financial circumstances that would make any payment to the IRS a serious financial hardship for your family. The IRS may revisit your case if you are in this temporary situation.

Different tax exclusions, allowances, and forgiveness are available

Tax time is a busy time for terms like forgiveness, exemptions, and allowances. These are all options taxpayers have to lower their tax liability. We have already talked about forgiveness, but what are exemptions, and what makes them different?



You've probably seen the W-4 box where you have to choose how many allowances you'll take. You might not understand the calculations involved if you are like most people. Although you've been told that more allowances mean less tax, you may not receive a refund at year-end.

The maximum withholding allowance for the government is $4,050 per exemption. This was as of 2017. This is multiplied by the number you can expect to receive paychecks in a given year. This would mean that if you are paid bi-weekly this amount would be $155.77 per exemption per paycheck. This amount is deducted from your gross pay and the remainder determines how much tax to pay.


Exemptions are one type of deduction that you can claim on your tax return. Your tax return will allow you to exclude dependents and personal exemptions of $4,050 each. This is the same amount as the allowances. This is used to balance your taxable income with the amount you have withheld. This is to ensure that your deductions are reflected in the amount withheld from the taxable calculation so you don't end up owing too much at the end.

Some people claim no allowances because of this. This is basically a way for the IRS to take more taxes than they owe during the year, so when they claim their exemptions from Form 1040, it results in a larger refund.


Recalculation is where forgiveness fits in all of these numbers. The Offer in Compromise allows you to have the IRS reassess and show additional expenses. This may or may not reduce tax liability. You can correct for sudden increases in your pay such as overtime periods that are not continuous or underreported income with the Offer in Compromise.

State Tax Forgiveness

States offer tax relief based on income standards. These standards can vary from one state to the next. In Pennsylvania, for example, a single person earning less than $6,500 per annum may be eligible to have 100 percent of the state's back taxes forgiven. You can do this by claiming tax credits or exempting them. State taxes take the family size into account, just like federal taxes.


Filing the Required Forms

IRS forms sometimes can feel a little like alphabet soup. Many letters and numbers are scattered around the world, and most people don't even know their purpose. These are the essential forms you need to know, especially if your goal is tax forgiveness. It is not an easy process and can be confusing and overwhelming. Get help from a back tax assistance company if you feel overwhelmed.

Formula 1040

We see the 1040 form every year as our primary tax form. This form is based directly on the Form W-2 that you receive from your employer. The instructions for calculating are provided on the form. This form can cause serious problems if you under or over-report your income. Schedules are additional forms that can be used to report items or tax credits.

Formula W-4

When you are hired, the W-4 form is what you complete. This form is important because it allows you to claim allowances, which can help increase your salary. You should be careful as if you claim more allowances than exemptions on taxes, you could end up owing at year's end.

Booklet Form 656

This booklet is what you will need to complete to apply for the Offer In Compromise. This booklet contains all of the information that you need to complete the application. However, it is worth having a tax attorney review it. You should prepare all documentation for any claims in the application. The booklet includes Form 433 A for individuals and Form 433 B for businesses. Form 656, which is an Offer in Compromise, is also included.

  • Ahmah Hamidi
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What is the Work of Tax Relief



How Does Tax Relief Work?


Individuals and businesses that have outstanding tax balances can be subject to severe penalties by the Internal Revenue Services. In some cases, this could lead to the seizure or destruction of personal or company assets. This dilemma can lead to a financial crisis and a new type of business was created to assist tax-delinquent taxpayers.


These entities are known as tax settlement companies. They claim that they can reduce or eliminate any owed taxes to the IRS. These firms claim they can reduce or eliminate the clients owes to the IRS. But is this true?



  • Firms that specialize in tax settlement claim to have access to a wide range of experts, including former IRS employees, who are available to help their clients.
  • Tax settlement agencies make promises that are almost impossible to keep, as the IRS is not likely to accept any offer to lower the tax owed.
  • It is often difficult to qualify for offers-in-compromise and can take several months.
  • High fees are common for tax settlement firms.

What are Tax Settlement Firms?

You have probably seen these ads on TV. People in desperate need who owe the IRS tens to thousands of dollars and have no one to help. The tax settlement company steps in, leaving the client with amazing messages saying that their tax liability has been miraculously reduced to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Clients feel elated and more than satisfied. However, this is television or radio, or social media. Reality doesn't always work like that.


The debt settlement industry is a good place to start if you are unsure about the tax settlement industry. Both work in a similar way to varying degrees. Many firms that specialize in tax settlements claim they have access to a wide range of tax experts who were former IRS employees. In reality, this may be a substantial misrepresentation--at least in some cases.


While there might be a few employees who worked for the IRS, such as lawyers or a few people within the company, most likely the majority of employees have not. Many employees are minimum-wage customer support representatives.


How Does Tax Relief Work?


Many tax settlement companies promise to send experts to the IRS to negotiate for their clients. They can then persuade them to accept a smaller amount, often pennies on each dollar. This is almost impossible and the IRS rarely accepts a reduction in tax due. Uncle Sam may accept a repayment agreement for back taxes if there are:


  • The taxpayer has to be in an extreme situation where the amount due would create an economic hardship or be unfair (this would need to be an exceptional situation).
  • If the debtor cannot find any kind of work that will provide enough income to repay the amount, like if they are disabled or have long-term illnesses.
  • To cover tax obligation 1, the person who owes taxes must have no assets that could be used to pay the required tax 1.


Everyone else's best hope is to get an extension of time for their tax debts to be paid. This usually includes additional interest and penalties.

Compromise or Offer

To reduce clients' tax bills, tax settlement firms use an IRS-accepted procedure called an offer to compromise. This agreement allows some taxpayers to settle tax debts with the IRS for a lower amount than they owe. To settle tax debts, the taxpayer must provide substantial information to IRS regarding their assets and future income.

Also, offers in compromise can take up to several months to complete. Qualifying for one of these offers might be more difficult than for Medicaid. This avenue does not offer a spend-down strategy.

The approval rate of offer-in-compromise applications is usually very low. Taxpayers must show that they can prove the amount owed to be reduced.

Auditor's reviews are not always final. Taxpayers who have been audited may be able to appeal and save thousands of dollars.

IRS Form 656 states that an exceptional circumstance could lead to financial hardship. It would be something like "unplanned events" or special circumstances (e.g. serious illness) where paying more than the minimum amount may impair your ability provide for your family. "2

Price Tag for Tax Settlement Firm

Tax settlement companies often charge an initial fee of between $3,000 to $6,000 depending on the amount of the tax bill and the proposed settlement. The fee is non-refundable in most cases and often mirrors the amount the client has of cash available. This is usually the amount the company claims it will save clients on tax payments.

The IRS Office of Professional Responsibility is concerned about questionable practices in tax debt resolution. You can submit problems to the IRS using Form 14157 Complaint: Tax Resolver. 3

Clients complained to the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission about the fact that not all of these firms produced the promised results or were a fraud. Many firms materially misrepresent the fees they charge clients. They may initially charge a lower fee but then come back for more after being involved in the process.

Rates of success for tax settlement firms

The IRS rejects all offers of compromises it receives every year, as we have stated. There are very few clients who receive satisfaction from tax settlement companies, and many of them are financially poor. Most potential settlement clients must work out payment plans with IRS to pay off their tax balances in a time frame that allows them to keep their assets and dignity.

More information on payment plans can be found on the IRS Website.

Locating a legitimate tax relief firm

Potential customers should be aware of these warning signs if they are thinking about hiring a tax settlement company. A firm promising a dramatic reduction in taxes for a customer without first obtaining a thorough financial background is likely to be a fraud. A tax agent that doesn't ask a client why they owe the IRS money isn't doing the proper investigation.

Reputable tax relief firms will ask for financial information from their customers before they give them a realistic estimate of what they can do at a fair fixed price. Prospective clients should look for a local firm that is well-established and has a strong presence in the area.

IRS Tax Settlement Warnings

Many taxpayers deal with the IRS because it is one of the most complex creditors. The IRS has the legal right to seize assets and take extreme collection measures. Many taxpayers who are in default find the agency more frightening than private creditors and credit card agencies.

This fear is what tax preparation companies play on, promising professional assistance that will solve their problems. These companies may make misleading claims and require large upfront payments. Don't fall for them. The IRS has previously warned the public about fraud firms, citing many problems here. The IRS offers many ways for you to collect what you owe.

Publication 554, The IRS Collection Process provides a detailed description and description of both the Offer in Compromise and the collection process. This information can be compared to what a tax settlement company tells you to make sure you are given the correct information before making a decision about whether to retain them.

The bottom line

There are many risks involved in the tax settlement industry. It is better to have your tax or financial advisor refer you to a qualified and experienced tax attorney who can help with unpaid taxes. You should be ready to go through extensive financial analysis as well as a lengthy bureaucratic process. They should also be ready to hear the IRS say "no" at the end.

Do Tax Relief Companies Work?

It depends. The industry is full of scams and poor business practices. False promises and high fees are used to lure customers by disreputable businesses. Still, legitimate tax settlement firms do exist. These firms are upfront about whether or not you will benefit and they charge reasonable fees.

Are Tax Settlement Companies Worth It?

It all depends. While disreputable companies might charge hundreds to thousands of dollars, they may not provide the results you are looking for. Good companies, on the other hand, charge transparent, reasonable fees and have proven track records. A flat percentage of the amount owed by the IRS is charged by some companies, such as 10%. Some companies charge an hourly fee that can range from $275 to $1,000. Companies won't accept clients with less than $10,000 tax debt.

What do Tax Settlement and Tax Relief include?

A consultation is usually the first step in the tax settlement process. A case manager will examine your tax debt and other financial details and then provide an estimate. If you decide to continue, the case manager will conduct an in-depth review of your taxes, create a plan of attack, and negotiate with IRS.


Get a professional to help you develop your financial strategy

It can be difficult to find a financial advisor. However, the right professional will help you develop a strategy that meets your retirement goals. SmartAsset's tool is free and will match you with fiduciary advisors within 5 minutes. Get started today if you are ready to match with financial advisors that can help you reach your financial goals.

What are the various types of tax relief available?

There are many ways to get tax relief. There are many options for tax relief.

To see the tax relief options available to you, click on the appropriate option for your situation.

If you are current on your tax payments, you can get tax relief

You may be eligible for tax deductions, tax credits, and tax exclusions if you have already paid your taxes. Depending on the eligibility of each one, these can reduce your taxable income and/or your actual tax bill.

Deductions in taxes

Tax deductions allow you to lower your total taxable income, and thus reduce the tax you owe.

Tax deductions are available for various items.

  • The interest you pay on your student loan or mortgage
  • Property taxes are paid on your house or other properties
  • Sales taxes
  • Charitable donations
  • Health insurance premiums
  • For business or work-related expenses

All taxpayers are eligible for a standard tax deduction. This is a $12,400 deduction for a single filer and $24,800 for married couples filing jointly. These deductions cannot be claimed if you don't have the itemized deductions.

Here's an example showing how the standard deduction works. Let's suppose you earned $60,000 in the past year. You are eligible for the $12,400 deduction if you are a single individual. This reduces your taxable income by $60,000 to $48,000 ($60,000 to $12,000). You'd be in the 22% bracket so your income tax would be almost $2,500 ($13,000 vs. $10,000,560).

Tax credits

Tax credits work in a different way than tax deductions. These credits do not reduce your taxable income. Instead, they lower your actual tax bill -- that is, the total amount you owe to the government for the current year.

You can apply for the dependent credit of $2,000 per person if you have children. The $2,000 would be deducted from your final tax bill. The credit could reduce your annual tax bill by $2,000 if you owe $10,000. This is a significant amount of savings.

Tax credits are available for:

  • Being a parent to a child or another dependent
  • Adopting a child during that tax year
  • Being old or disabled
  • School-related expenses
  • Childcare costs
  • Contributing to a retirement fund
  • Solar energy systems: Installing

>> Continue reading: The difference between a tax credit or tax deduction

Tax exclusions

In that they can reduce your taxable income, tax exclusions work in the same way as deductions. Exclusions allow you to exclude a portion of your income from your taxable earnings.

One example of this is company-sponsored health plans. These are often considered a "benefit" and a part of your salary as an employee. However, your employer's costs do not count towards your taxable income. This is one of the most common tax exclusions.

Some other tax exclusions are:

  • Certain types of income earned abroad
  • Disability payments
  • Payments for relief from natural disasters
  • Housing subsidies or rent

If you are behind in your tax payments, you can get tax relief

There are options for tax relief if you have not yet paid your taxes, owe back taxes from previous years, or have not yet paid them. You have two options: you can either repay your debts in full over time or settle your debts to pay less. Below are the current options.

Fresh Start Program

A fresh start is an IRS program for taxpayers who are behind on their taxes. You can make an Offer in Compromise to settle your debts for less than what you actually owe. These offers will be accepted by the IRS based on your income, assets, and household expenses.

You have two choices for how you make your payments if you are approved. Either you can pay a lump sum upfront (at least 20%) and then make the balance payment within five months. Or, you can pay one payment along with your offer and make the remainder monthly for the next six to two years.

Acceptance of offers in compromise is generally difficult. The IRS has a pre-qualifier tool that can help you determine if this option may be available in your particular case. Form 656B is required to apply.

  • Ahmah Hamidi
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How Much Will The IRS Usually Settle For?


What is the IRS's usual settlement? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), approves many Offers in Compromise each year with taxpayers about past-due taxes payments. In exchange for a lump sum settlement, the IRS reduces a taxpayer's tax obligation debt.

In 2020, the average Offer in Compromise approved by the IRS was $16,176. How did we reach this amount? The IRS received 17,890 offers in compromise with a total value of $289.4million (resource) in 2020. Divide $289.4 million by 17,890 and voilà! You get an average offer of compromise of $16,176

This number is, naturally, meaningless. It is not a hypothetical standard that the IRS will accept. That is the real question. This article will explain how the IRS determines whether an individual is eligible for the Offer in Compromise program. It will also discuss how it decides what kind of deal it accepts.

What is an offer in compromise?

The Program in Compromise is an IRS tax obligation relief program that reduces the tax obligations of individuals and entrepreneurs. This program is also known as the government tax negotiation program. It can help you save hundreds of dollars if you use it correctly. You pay less than the full amount due (your deal amount). The program is not available to everyone who has a tax obligation financial debt.

The OIC is basically a negotiation between you and IRS. The IRS is just like any other lender. If they can convince you that you cannot pay off your entire financial debt, they will prefer you to pay some money over nothing. Let's suppose you owe $50,000 to the IRS. There is no way you will be able to pay that amount before the 10-year statute of limitations (the time the IRS must collect taxes). There are two options:

  1. The 10-year law can be applied to you
  2. Pay an OIC

While waiting for the statute to expire might seem appealing, there are a few people who choose not to wait. The IRS can seize all of your possessions including your salary and financial savings. You may also lose your credit rating for many years. It is risky to wait, so a deal in compromise can be a better option. This allows the IRS to assess your collection potential.

Is there any chance that my IRS request for an OIC will be approved?

The IRS received 54,225 compromise offers in 2019 and accepted only 17,890 of them - that's an approximate 33% success rate.

Most tax obligation relief specialists have acceptance rates as high as 90%. Because they can spot better applications and determine if the taxpayer fulfills the requirements, and they also understand that the IRS will likely say yes. Tax lawyers and tax agents are the best tax relief business. They offer a money-back guarantee and affordable rates. A specialist tax obligation relief company will help you save time and money on unnecessary applications.

How does the IRS determine the minimum offer it will accept from a client?

Your OIC calculation is calculated by the IRS using two steps. It's based on your monthly earnings and the value of your possessions. This allows the IRS to estimate your "sensible collection opportunity."

How do you calculate an offer in compromise?

Let's break that formula down into its two main components.

Let's take that formula and break it down into its two main components:

  1. Capital
  2. Property

Cash Flow

The IRS will first need to determine how much you could pay each month if you prepare a layaway or installation agreement. The internal revenue service will request your pay stubs, current earnings, and loss declarations if you have a small business to calculate this amount.

After that, the IRS may require you to know how much money you have available for living expenses such as utilities, food, and car (non-luxury), payments. The IRS might require you to limit your living expenses to the minimum level it considers "sensible".

To assess your ability to pay, the IRS subtracts your allowable living expenses from your income. This amount, which is your monthly disposable earnings, will be used by the IRS to determine your OIC.

You will need to collect information about your household's monthly average gross earnings as well as real costs. This includes your family members who contribute cash to cover costs.

Property appraisal.

The IRS also estimates your possessions' value. The property includes your house, car, retirement plan, jewelry, and all other belongings of family members. How is your possession valued? The IRS subtracts any home loans or funding you have on each asset and then lowers it by 20%. Let's say you own a $200,000 home, but owe $195,000 for it. For your offer quantity, your residence deserves $4,000 ($ 5,000 x 0.8).

What settlement methods does the IRS accept for offers?

On their website, the IRS offers a variety of payment options for taxpayers. You can pay your offer by money order or check payable to the USA Treasury. Additionally, you can make your payment(s) via the Federal Tax obligation Repayment Service (EFTPS).


What is the success story of Offer in Compromise?

Not all offers in compromise are approved. Only 3 of 10 compromise offers are approved. There are many success stories for taxpayers who want to reduce their tax obligation financial obligation, and take part in the offer-in-compromise program.

Although it can be difficult, there are many success stories of taxpayers who reduce the amount they pay to the IRS after receiving an offer amount.

What is the minimum income required to be considered a low-income entrepreneur who has tax debt?
It is important to know how to pay the IRS if you have past-due tax obligations bills for your company and personal tax returns. It all depends on your service's legal structure.

If your business is a sole proprietorship, one IRS form 656 can be used. If your business is not a sole proprietorship linked to your social security number, a different offer with an application fee and also supply payment is required.

The updated Kind 656 also includes new low-income qualifications standards and directions. You do not need to pay the application fee if you meet the criteria for low-income.

Do you prefer to apply for tax relief by yourself, or should you hire a professional?

You should try to negotiate your tax obligation amount with the IRS directly if the amount you owe is lower than $5,000. While tax obligation relief firms can be beneficial in helping you negotiate a deal amount with the IRS, the expense they incur when managing small tax financial debt customers can exceed the cost savings.

However, if you have a larger tax bill or are concerned about a possible tax audit, it is worth speaking with a tax attorney. To schedule a complimentary examination with a senior tax obligation professional, click here

These services are often well worth the cost for taxpayers who struggle to navigate the IRS settlement process. My tax settlement just suggests tax obligation relief companies that offer affordable fees, repayment options, and tax attorneys.


Why are so few people granted an OIC?

First, most applicants may not qualify. First, not all applicants will be eligible. Second, they may have future income or equity that could pay their tax liability. This is generally 10 years after the tax was assessed. A taxpayer may be able to pay $20,000 of tax debt and have $50,000 in a retirement account. Exceptions to this rule will make it difficult for the IRS to settle with the solvent taxpayer.

It may also be prohibitively expensive to settle. The taxpayer might not be able to fund the OIC settlement.

Final Regulations were published on March 12, 2020. They increased the OIC user fees from $186 to $2005 for OIC applications received after 4/27/2020. Although a 10% increase may seem excessive, it is only a fraction of the cost of an OIC. The OIC user fee is usually not prohibitive for many. What amount is required to settle the tax bill is the real cost. This is known as the "offer amount", and it represents the amount that the IRS will accept to settle a tax invoice.

Taxpayers will not be eligible for an OIC if they have not filed all tax returns and paid all estimated taxes for the current fiscal year. Business owners who have employees must have made all federal tax deposits for their current quarter to be eligible. An OIC is not available to taxpayers who are in bankruptcy.


The true cost: the offer amount

Many people believe that the IRS negotiates with taxpayers about the amount it will take for the tax bill to be paid. Some people believe the IRS will take a small percentage of the tax bill or waive penalties and interests in a settlement. These myths are false.

An OIC is granted to taxpayers who meet the requirements. The IRS will determine how much it can offer. An OIC's "offer amount" is the amount that the IRS can reasonably collect from the taxpayer before the statute expires. This is their "Reasonable Collection Potential". RCP is the IRS's accepted amount to settle tax liabilities. RCP equals the taxpayer's net realizable equity (NRE) and a portion of their future disposable income (typically 12 or 24 monthly, depending on the OIC payment methods).

A visual representation of the OIC settlement amount

Let's take an example to show how offer amounts are calculated. Let's say that a taxpayer owes $50,000 in 2016. The IRS also has 100 months to collect.

NRE in assets, (only asset: the home): 10,000

  • A mortgage is required to purchase a home.
    • Fair market value: $150,000
    • Value of your home at "quick sales value" (QSV of 80% = $120,000) (IRS rule that values assets at (QSV).
    • A loan of $110,000
    • NRE: $120,000 QSV (less $110,000 Loan) = $10,000

Future monthly disposable Income (MDI), $200 per month

  • Two earners with allowable IRS living expenses (subjects to IRS Collection Financial Standards limits on taxpayers):
    • Monthly average gross income of $6,000
    • The IRS Collection Financial Standards limit monthly average living expenses and expenses to generate income to $5,800. This includes categories like food/clothing/misc. ; housing/utilities, transportation expenses, medical expenses; and any other such as taxes paid or term life insurance, tax-ordered payments, child care costs, and so on.
    • MDI: $6,000 (average monthly gross income) less $5,800 = $200 (average living expenses per month).

First, does the taxpayer meet the requirements for an OIC? The taxpayer is eligible for an OIC in this instance. The taxpayer has $20,000 in NRE and $200 MDI. These funds will not be paid to the IRS before the collection statute ends.

Here's how they can be qualified: The taxpayer's total "ability" to pay the IRS before it expires is equal $10,000 (equity), plus the amount it could charge the taxpayer in monthly payment ($200 per month in MDI for 100months or $20,000) before the collection deadline expires. This totals $30,000 The IRS will not collect any tax liability due in full before the expiration of the collection statute because the $30,000 is less than the $50,000 total amount owed. The IRS can write off $20,000 if $50,000 is owed less than $30,000, essentially.

Next is the offer amount. The taxpayer will not have to pay $30,000, but rather a calculation of the NRE and a future multiplier for MDI. The taxpayer can choose which payment option they prefer to determine the future multiplier for MDI. The offer amount can be paid in one of two ways. A lump-sum cash offer pays the amount in five or fewer monthly installments. A periodic payment offer pays the amount in six or more monthly installments for 24 months. The future income multiplier will be 12 months if the taxpayer chooses to pay the IRS via the lump sum cash option. If the taxpayer uses a periodic payment offer, the future income multiplier will be 24 months.

The lump-sum cash offer is $12,000. This represents $10,000. The taxpayer can settle their tax bill of $50,000 if they can show the IRS that their NRE amount is $10,000 and that their MDI is $200 per month. TIP: The NRE and MDI calculations involve many complex rules that must be followed to accurately calculate OIC eligibility and the offer amount. If these calculations are missed, taxpayers may discover that they do in fact not qualify for the offeror that their offer amount is higher than they can afford to pay in the future.

As illustrated in the example, the real cost is the "offer amount". Can a taxpayer pay $12,400 for their tax bill? Many people cannot, and therefore cannot, use the OIC program.

There are two upfront fees when you submit an OIC to IRS for acceptance. The $205 user fee is one and the partial payment of the offer amount is the other. The taxpayer must be able to pay some of the OIC unless they are a low-income taxpayer. Any upfront payment is non-refundable.

OIC Upfront Costs

The IRS will request that the taxpayer pay a portion of the OIC offer amount along with the $205 user fee. The IRS will ask for 20% of the offer amount if the taxpayer chooses a lump sum payment. This would mean that 20% of $12,400 ($2,480) would be required.

The IRS will require the taxpayer to pay monthly payments if they choose the periodic payment option. OICs typically take between 7-12 months. This means that taxpayers can send the IRS 7-12 months' worth of payments while they are being reviewed. The payments can be substantial and the IRS may not accept them. In 2019, 1 of 3 OIC applications was approved.

OIC costs don't end here. If their OIC is accepted, taxpayers will lose their next tax refund. Tax professionals may charge fees. You can also add additional costs to the equation if there is an appeal ( 15% of OIC applications go directly to IRS appeals to resolve any disagreements).

The OIC is a costly and inefficient solution if the taxpayer isn't sure if their OIC will be approved with the amount they propose to offer.


Low-income taxpayers don't have to pay an OIC user fee, down payment, or have to submit an OIC application. According to the IRS, low-income taxpayers are those who earn less than 250% of the poverty level. These income threshold amounts are provided by IRS Form 656 (the OIC Application). The OIC application requires that all taxpayers who meet the income threshold requirements must still be able to pay the offer amount within the agreed time frame.

Other IRS collection options for taxpayers include Currently Not Collectible status (CNC), installment agreements, and a Partial Pay Installation Agreement (PPIA). The IRS will not accept taxpayers' monthly disposable income if they are in CNC status. PPIA is a status where the taxpayer can pay the IRS monthly but cannot pay the entire tax bill before the collection statute ends.

PPIA and CNC can be more effective than OIC as these agreements don't always require the taxpayer to pay the IRS out of the equity in assets. In financial hardship, taxpayers will not be required to use equity (i.e. Equity in a home or savings is not available to taxpayers who are experiencing financial hardship. The bank won't give a taxpayer a home equity loan. PPIA and CNC are more realistic options for taxpayers.

Both of these agreements may be more beneficial financially if the taxpayer is eligible. Both CNC and PPIA are temporary agreements between the IRS. The IRS may request to renegotiate terms if the taxpayer's financial situation improves before the collection statute ends.

Last tip

The OIC should not be considered the only solution for taxpayers. All IRS collection options should be considered by taxpayers with tax debt. If they cannot pay the full amount, taxpayers should consider challenging any balances, penalties included.

It is best to assess your tax situation, your finances, and IRS collection options, then devise the best way to pay the lowest amount. Focusing on the OIC alone can lead to costly mistakes and leave your tax debt unresolved.

  • Ahmah Hamidi
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What is Tax-Debt Relief


What is Tax Debt Relief?


The broad concept of tax-debt relief encompasses many options. Each option is designed to bring the IRS and taxpayers in debt the closest possible. (We'll talk about state and local taxing authorities later.)

A payment plan or a settlement of your debts is the most common form of relief. Also known as an offer in compromise, The financial situation of the tax-debtor will determine which one is best.

Who could be eligible for tax-debt relief

  • Taxpayers who are behind in their payments and don't have the funds to pay off their debt via personal loan or home equity loan, credit card, investments, etc.
  • Private debt collectors employed by the IRS have brought taxpayers in arrears to their attention.
  • Individuals who have not filed tax returns in any number of years but have managed to operate below the radar of IRS.
  • The IRS has directed the State Department to cancel, revoke, or confiscate passports of taxpayers who are so seriously indebted ($50,000 or more).

The IRS has programs available for taxpayers who are in default. The taxpayer can initiate any of these programs by themselves. To help consumers navigate the rules of the tax agency, there is a tax settlement industry.

Advertisements often feature players with impressive credentials and experience. Pay attention.

Although many tax settlement companies boast a list of ex-IRS agents and other tax experts who are available to help you reduce your owes, the truth is that there is more to it than this. Low-wage customer service representatives are the most common members of tax settlement companies. They have a limited amount of expertise.

A tax settlement company is a company that will:

  • Find out why the customer is late or has not filed.
  • Get the correct financial information from your customer
  • Give a realistic assessment about what the company can accomplish
  • The best IRS program available to help troubled taxpayers
  • A reasonable flat fee will be charged

IRS Relief Options

The IRS offers several options to delinquent taxpayers, including payment plans, offers of compromise, and filing as not currently collectible.

Installment agreements work in the same way as any other loan. You pay a fixed amount each month for some time (up to six-year) until you have paid your tax bill. An installment agreement does not allow for the accrual or payment of penalties. However, interest is charged as a loan. There will also be processing fees.

You can apply online for an installment agreement if you owe less than $50,000 in taxes, interest, penalties, and combined taxes. Installment agreements have the upside of avoiding liens, levies, and garnishments.

If a taxpayer can show that they cannot pay the entire amount due now or over time, they may be eligible for an offer in compromise (OIC). This is an agreement to settle tax debts for less than the amount owed. The IRS considers many factors such as the ability to pay, income and assets, as well as income and expenses. The IRS will generally accept an offer in compromise if the amount offered is the maximum it can collect within a reasonable time.

All applications must include a 20% deposit and a $186 non-refundable fee.

Accepted offers in compromise may be paid in one of two ways. One is a lump sum or in monthly installments. An OIC should not be your first choice, as the IRS is unlikely to accept them, despite some advertising by tax relief companies suggesting otherwise.

Delinquent taxpayers with little or no income after paying essential expenses such as rent, utilities, groceries, and commuting can be eligible for a deferral. The IRS will stop collecting taxes if it deems them "Currently Not Collectible". This gives the taxpayer some breathing space and allows him or her to be free from the threat of having the IRS breathe down his neck.

There are also downsides. The tax debt will not be paid; it will accrue interest and penalties and the IRS could file a lien on the taxpayer's property (which appears on credit reports). Taxpayers who expect a refund in the future can forget about this; the IRS will apply them to past-due taxes that remain unpaid.

IRS Forgiveness Program

The IRS's Fresh Start Initiative used installment agreements and offers-in-compromise to lure troubled taxpayers into compliance. But the expanded program makes it even easier to apply for installment programs or offer in compromise settlements.

Here are some highlights:

  • Offers that are paid off in less than five months will not be considered. The IRS now considers only one year's future income instead of four when assessing the taxpayer's reasonable collection capacity. The IRS considers only two years of future earnings for longer payoffs, six to 24 months (down from five).
  • The IRS increased the Allowable Living Costs calculation to include bank fees and credit card payments.

Penalty and Interest Reduction

Although it doesn't often happen, in some rare cases, the IRS might offer penalty abatement to delinquent taxpayers who can demonstrate a hardship. The IRS's First Time Penalty Abatement policy allows it to grant administrative relief to taxpayers who fail to file returns, pay taxes on time or deposit them.

These are the criteria that the agency uses to determine eligibility:

  • Either you didn't have to file a previous return, or you don't have penalties for the three prior years in which you have assessed a penalty.
  • You have filed all required returns.
  • You have either paid or arranged for payment of any tax.

Interest abatement is more restricted and rarely approved.

However, no relief will eliminate the tax billowed. The failure-to-pay penalty continues to accrue until the full amount of your tax has been paid. You don't want to be denied partial relief. It may be better to wait until the full amount of the tax is paid before you apply for the first-time penalty reduction policy.

Other options for debt relief

If you are truly in crisis and if there are several provisions, older income tax debts (at least 3 years) can be discharged through Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy.

The statute of limitations allows you to discharge tax debt. After 10 years, taxes that the IRS attempted to collect but was unable to collect are erased.

Consult a trusted tax debt relief service to avoid extreme measures. They may be able to help you with bank account seizures, liens, wage garnishments, and other issues.

Signs that a Tax-Debt Relief Scam is in Your Face

There are predators, as with every industry, especially when it comes to dealing with panicky, desperate clients.

This is also true for tax debt relief.

Don't fall for the hype. For most tax debtors, getting out of trouble is impossible for pennies per dollar. Next, do your homework. Look beyond the advertisements for impartial-observer ratings of legitimate tax relief businesses. Be aware of when to avoid dealing with bad actors.

These are signs that a tax debt relief company may be trying to scam you:

  • It is a sign of a major indicator that the company will demand payment before they do anything.
  • Offering a promise of a dramatic reduction in taxes for customers upfront
  • You can pledge to reduce or eliminate penalties and interest.
  • Failing to ask the client why he is behind the IRS
  • Failure to assess your financial history thoroughly (which the IRS will certainly do before it approves any OIC); any company that does not take the lead here likely can't or won't help you.
  • You can contact us directly by email or letter.
  • Delaying tactics include repeatedly asking for the same documents.
  • After waiting months and paying in, you are finally told that your debt relief window is closed or that your OIC application was rejected by the IRS. Often, these companies have done nothing but take your money and keep you on the hook.

Horror stories can add insult to injury. Taxpayers who signed up with a tax relief company and paid thousands of dollars upfront fees complained to the Federal Trade Commission regarding unauthorized charges on their credit cards or withdrawals from their bank account.

Innocent Spouse Relief

The IRS is sympathetic to spouses and former spouses who find themselves in the middle of back taxes. Joint returns can make both spouses liable for any tax owed. However, in some cases, one partner may be exempt from any penalties, interest, or taxes.

The spouse must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Filled joint return that incorrectly understates tax liability directly to the spouse
  • Must not have known about the error
  • Once the IRS has been identified, it must agree to release the innocent spouse from the tax dispute
  • Within two years after the IRS begins the collection, the spouse must request relief

State and Local Taxes

It is quite different to fall behind in your state or local taxes. Although many states and local taxing authorities offer similar programs to the IRS for debt settlement, there are important differences. Some states allow waiver of interest but not penalties. Other states allow the reverse. You may get different results.

Contact your state's comptroller for more information. For a complete list of state treasurers, comptrollers and auditors, visit nasact.org


The IRS has many tools they can use to make you pay your tax debt. They have the power to place a lien on your property and garnish your wages. They have the power to seize money from your bank accounts and hold your refund. In some cases, they can even cancel your passport. It can be difficult to get your money back if the IRS or another state agency begins exercising its power over you. The sooner you get rid of the IRS, the better.

Here's how TaxAudit can help you with your tax debt relief.

TaxAudit offers tax debt relief. We work with you to engage the IRS and state agencies to find a way to pay off your debt. It all depends on how much you owe and what your financial situation is.

The IRS will examine your ability to repay the debt. The IRS can settle your debt for less if you have financial hardship. They would prefer to get a little more than nothing in many cases. We can often get the IRS to cooperate with you, even if your ability to pay is very high. We can often remove penalties and stop wage garnishments. We can help you set up a payment plan with IRS.

A professional tax relief company will create a customized tax debt relief plan for you to get the most tax debt relief.

Many solutions exist to tax debt. It can be time-consuming and difficult to find the right solution for you. Top tax professionals have decades of experience in dealing with the IRS. They will find the best solution for you.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Free Consultation
To request a complimentary consultation, call 855.893.2308. You will not be speaking to a salesperson during your free consultation. Instead, you will be speaking with a licensed tax professional. The tax professional will listen to you and give you a general overview of your tax debt story. You will know if the expert can reduce, or even eliminate, your tax debt by the end of the conversation.

Step 2: Compressive Assessment
TaxAudit is qualified to help you. The next step is a comprehensive assessment of your financial situation. Based on an in-depth assessment of your financial situation, your tax professional will create a realistic plan to combat your tax debt. Before the assessment can begin, your tax professional will request information from you and any documents. The tax professional will then create a plan to help you get the best tax debt relief and share this with you. Your tax professional will then give you a flat-fee quote for the tax company to complete the services described in your action plan. After your assessment is complete, you will receive a customized plan that addresses your tax debt situation as well as a flat fee quote to perform the services recommended in your case.

Step 3 - Resolution
After you accept the tax company’s quote for Tax Debt Relief, your tax professional will begin to work on your case. Your tax professional will prepare all necessary paperwork and submit it to the IRS. Your best interests will be protected during negotiations with the IRS. He or she will keep you informed about the progress of your case from the beginning to the end.

What is the IRS Debt Forgiveness program?

For taxpayers who owe taxes unpaid, the IRS offers many relief options. The circumstances surrounding your unpaid tax debt will determine whether you are eligible for each option. Here are some examples of forgiveness and relief options.

  • Installment Agreements allow you to reduce your tax debt by paying in smaller amounts if you're unable to make a full payment. The average repayment period is 72 months. If you owe less than $50,000 in combined taxes, penalties, interest, and tax, this option may be available to you.
  • Innocent Spouse Relief allows qualified candidates to avoid penalties stemming from tax fraud or inaccuracies that they did not know about.
  • Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a settlement option that allows some taxpayers to pay much less than they owe the IRS.
  • Currently not Collectible (CNC). status is basically a "clean slate", program for people who can show they cannot pay back tax debt.

IRS tax debt forgiveness cannot be granted automatically if you meet all the requirements. Fill out the IRS debt forgiveness form.

The IRS will not consider your eligibility for tax relief benefits unless you have filed all of your tax returns. When assessing your eligibility, the IRS will not consider the fact that you filed tax returns late against yourself. If you are still unfiled, it is a good idea to get current.

How does tax debt forgiveness work?

To determine which forgiveness plan is right for you, we will consider your financial situation. These are the steps to an IRS debt forgiveness program:

  • Acceptance to the right program after applying
  • Consent to keep current with all tax returns going ahead
  • Accepting all terms and conditions set forth by the IRS regarding totals due, penalty abatement, and payment terms
  • Accepting that the IRS periodically reassesses your financial situation
  • Payment plan or a lump-sum payment to pay off full or amended debts

Based on your financial situation, and your tax debt, the IRS will calculate how much you must pay. The first step in determining if you are eligible is to apply.

Who is eligible for IRS tax debt forgiveness? What Do I Need to Qualify for IRS Tax Debt Forgiveness?

Without consulting a tax professional, it can be hard to determine if you are eligible for debt forgiveness. If you haven't paid your entire tax bill because of financial hardship, the IRS may be willing to make an agreement with you. These are the key factors that the IRS considers:

  • Tax balances below $50,000
  • A single filer income cap of $100,000
  • For married couples filing jointly, there is an income limit of $200,000
  • Self-employed people will see a 25 percent drop in their net income

Nearly all applicants will be approved to an IRS repayment agreement. Repayment may not be the best choice for you. An Offer in Compromise, or currently noncollectible status may allow you to pay less overall. Both of these options will require you to provide financial information to IRS. You don't want to present any information that could contradict your claim that your tax bill is unpayable.

Is the IRS ever willing to forgive tax debts?

Although it is unlikely that the IRS will ever completely forgive tax debt, accepting into a forgiveness program can help you avoid the costly, credit-wrecking penalty that comes with tax debt. If you can show hardship, your debt may be completely forgiven.

What is the Fresh Start Program with the IRS?

Officials at the IRS recently introduced the Debt Forgiveness Act, making it easier for taxpayers seeking relief. All of the options that we have covered in this article are available through the IRS Fresh Start Program. The program also allows you to have a federal tax lien removed if your request is granted.

Find out if you are eligible for IRS debt forgiveness

The Tax Group Center is the place to go if you have a tax debt hanging over your head. You may be eligible for the Fresh Start Program. You may start by completing unfiled tax returns.

  • Ahmah Hamidi
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Irs fresh start program


The IRS Fresh Start Program is a general term that refers to the various debt relief options available by the IRS. This program was created to help taxpayers get out of tax debt and penalties legally. You may be able to reduce or freeze your debt. Some options allow you to repay your debt in smaller amounts over a longer period. The Fresh Start Program is a collection that makes changes to the tax code. The program offers different levels of relief and repayment options depending on each applicant's financial situation. In 2011, the IRS created the Fresh Start initiative to assist more taxpayers in getting back to good standing. This program encourages reasonable repayment options rather than imposing penalties. Yes, taxpayers can benefit from the program. They may be able to pay taxes while avoiding Levies and wage garnishments. The IRS can also benefit from the fact that it can collect "something", instead of nothing, from taxpayers. Let's take a look at Fresh Start.

  • Offer in Compromise
  • Installment Agreement (IA).
  • Current Non-Collectible (CNC).
  • Penalty abatement

To determine which option is best for you, it will take time to sit down with a tax professional. To determine if you are eligible for these relief options, the IRS will need detailed financial information. Things like active wage garnishments and bankruptcy could make things more complicated. Continue reading to find out if you are eligible for a fresh start at the IRS.

Am I eligible for the IRS Fresh Start Program?

First, the IRS designed its Fresh Start tax program so that it is available to everyone. Because there are so many options within the program, you will likely find at most one channel that is suitable for debt relief. You can still benefit from working with a tax professional to explore the options available to you, despite the complexity of the IRS Fresh Start program.

Current tax returns are the one hurdle you'll need to jump. Before you can be considered for the Fresh Start program, the IRS will require that you are fully current with all tax returns. The correct amount of withholdings must be made for the current tax year. This is an IRS way to ensure taxpayers are accountable.

IRS Fresh Start Program Qualifications

The IRS Fresh Start tax initiative offers generous and inclusive benefits. There are some requirements that you need to be aware of. These are the requirements to be qualified:

  • self-employed Individuals must show a decrease of 25% in their net income.
  • Joint filers cannot earn more than $200,000 per year.
  • A single filer can't make more than $100,000 per year.
  • Your tax balance must be below $50,000 by the end of the year.

You must apply for the option that is best suited for you. The IRS will not automatically apply the Fresh Start program for your tax debt just simply because you are eligible. The IRS charges interest, penalties, and interest until the entire amount is paid. It's important to apply for help or request assistance as soon as possible.


What is the Fresh Start Program?

Fresh Start IRS offers a way for you to pay off your debts and avoid paying penalties. To get started, you will need to provide the necessary documentation and forms to the IRS. The IRS will create a plan that includes either monthly payments or lump payments.

How to apply for the IRS Fresh Start Program?

Each relief option offered by the IRS as eligible for an eligibility form. These forms will need to be completed by you honestly and fully. A tax professional can help you to eliminate the stress and confusion that comes with the process. An expert can help you to make sure that you are following all guidelines and that your application is the right one.

What can Tax Group Center do to help?

Since 2011, the Tax Group Center team has helped people to take full advantage of the IRS Fresh Start program. We are therefore very familiar with all aspects of the program. If you have a problem with delinquent taxes, Tax Group Center can assist in many ways.

We'll first identify any potential penalties or interest charges you should be aware of between now and the time you are approved for a relief plan. Next, we will discuss your circumstances with you to determine which Fresh Start tax program option is best for you. To increase your chances of getting accepted, we'll walk you through each step of the application process. Because we understand the language of IRS, we can help our clients with all aspects of the application process. Our team will help you navigate the tax process and ensure you comply after you have been accepted to the Fresh Start program. To avoid breaking your agreement, we can help you file your taxes on time. Call us today to find out how you can get substantial tax relief under the IRS Fresh Start program.


Individuals | Fresh Start Program

The IRS Fresh Start Program is available to individuals who are willing to repay their debts in installments using a direct payment arrangement. The IRS Fresh Start Program allows qualified individuals to pay their taxes in smaller amounts, over a longer period, and with fewer penalties.

In determining how much you can repay, the IRS will consider your ability to pay, current income, expenses, and asset equity.

Each option comes with a unique application, qualification, and procedure.

All you have to do is meet the following requirements:

  • You owe less than $50,000, or you owe more but can reduce your debts up to this amount before beginning the program.
  • Your outstanding debt can be paid off in as little as 60 months.
  • You have filed your tax return and it is up-to-date.
  • This is your first time falling behind in payments to the IRS
  • You agree to a direct installment agreement
  • While you pay your installments, you will keep the installment agreement intact. You will also keep up with tax filings and not be in any further tax debt.
  • You can file for OIC, and you will be able to pay the Fresh Start Initiative settlement amount in 12 months.

You may be eligible to have specific penalties reduced if you are a first-time borrower. You may be eligible to have your federal tax lien removed if your debts are less than $25,000, or you can reduce them to that amount before you start the program.

The program offers three repayment options: the extended installment agreement, the tax lien withdrawal, and the compromise offer.


Fresh Start Program

You may also be eligible for the Fresh Start Program if your business is a business owner who owes taxes. These requirements will apply to you:

  • Your company owes less than $25,000
  • The full amount will be repayable within 34 months
  • You are up-to-date with federal tax filings.
  • This is the first time that your company has fallen behind in payments to the IRS
  • A Form 433-A Collection Statement for Wage Earners or Self-Employed Individual will also be required. The qualified business income deduction is a great way to lower your income taxes for many taxpayers who own small businesses.
  • Our goal is to make payments affordable so that you can afford them without any financial burden.

We've only briefly covered the basics of this program. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, to give you a definitive answer about eligibility, or to help you apply for the Fresh Start Initiative. No matter what your situation, our friendly, qualified tax professionals can help you find the best way to move forward.


Fresh Start is an IRS initiative that can help you if you are having trouble paying back taxes or are concerned about staying on top of your tax payments. The IRS Fresh Start program provides tax debt options that make it simpler and easier for individuals and small businesses to pay back their taxes. The program's most popular features include the extended installment agreement, simplified and expanded Offer in Compromise (OIC), as well as two types of tax lien relief. Each one of these options to pay off your tax debt has its eligibility requirements. We'll discuss them below.

The Extended Installment Agreement


The extended installment agreement is the most popular option under Fresh Start. This allows you to pay off your tax debt for up to six years. Based on your income and assets, the IRS will determine an affordable monthly payment amount. You don't have to worry about additional penalties or interest if you take advantage of this opportunity. Your property. The IRS will suspend these activities while an installment agreement is in effect and current.

Extended installment agreements are available to taxpayers with back taxes of less than $50,000. If your debt exceeds this amount, you may be eligible for the extended installment agreement. You can still apply to an installment agreement if your outstanding balance is greater than $50,000 and you are unable or unwilling to pay it down to $50,000. However, the application process to obtain an installment agreement for amounts exceeding $50,000 is more complex. An IRS collections staff member will negotiate your agreement. They will also need detailed information about your assets and income. You must have filed all required federal tax returns, and paid all estimated payments to be eligible for an extended installment arrangement.

Compromise or Offer


The Offer in Compromise (OIC) is another option under Fresh Start. OIC is a way to settle tax debts for a lesser amount than you owe. OIC has been available for tax debtors since the beginning. However, the Fresh Start program gives the IRS more flexibility in determining who is eligible.

The IRS won't accept an offer of compromise unless you can pay your tax debt completely, either by installment agreements or equity that could be used to satisfy the debt. You must have filed all required federal tax returns, and paid all estimated payments. All required federal tax deposits must also be submitted if you are self-employed or have employees. You must also not be involved in an open bankruptcy proceeding.

Applying for an offer of compromise is a complicated process that requires you to provide detailed information about your assets and income. The IRS requires you to complete Form 433A (OIC), Collection Information Statement For Wage Earners and Self Employed Individuals, or 433B (OIC), Collection Information Statement For Businesses. You must provide information about the assets and bank accounts, as well as brokerage and investment accounts, as well as other assets, such as cryptocurrency and collectibles. Also, your income, monthly expenses, and loan amounts must be reported. These are used to determine how much you can afford.

Select a payment option, and then submit your first payment along with your application. The IRS will apply your payment towards your tax debt regardless of whether they return your application due to unfiled federal taxes returns or unpaid estimated tax payments. You must continue making monthly payments until the IRS reviews your offer.

There are two types of tax lien relief


The Fresh Start initiative increased the threshold amount of tax debt for filing a tax lien notification from $5,000 to $10,000. This means that the IRS won't generally issue a Notice Federal Tax Lien for tax debts below $10,000. Fresh Start's second provision regarding tax liens allows you to enter into a Direct Deposit Installation Agreement (DDIA), which will stop the IRS from putting a lien onto your property. You must sign a 60-month-long direct installment agreement. After you have made three direct installment payments, the IRS will withdraw the Notice of Federal Tax Lien.

Your tax debt must be less than $25,000 to be eligible for DDIA. Except for a lien withdrawal that was caused by an incorrect NFTL filing, you cannot have any prior lien withdrawals. As with all other provisions, your tax filings must be current.

Fresh Start was created to ease some of the stress and complexity associated with paying back taxes. However, managing your tax debt alone can cause anxiety and confusion. That is why we are here for you. A tax professional will help you decide the best course of action for your situation. We can help you create an affordable payment plan, eliminate penalties, or even reduce your tax debt with an offer in compromise.

You can work with a professional to determine eligibility for Fresh Start. However, it doesn't matter if you do so DIY. The most important thing to do is to respond to any IRS notices or letters immediately. You will be more stressed if you delay in responding to any IRS notices or letters. You can get the fresh start and financial freedom you desire by acting quickly to pay off your tax debt.


  • Ahmah Hamidi
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 What is Discrimination at workplace?

The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, or national origin. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967), extended the prohibition on discrimination to include age. Many states and the federal government have since stopped discriminating based on age, gender, citizenship, genetic information, and veteran status. Protected classifications are a group of people who have certain characteristics that are protected under anti-discrimination laws. These include sex, age, and race as well as veterans' status.

Two types of discrimination - Disparate impact and disparate treatment

Discriminatory treatment is when an employer treats employees from a protected group worse than others. The discriminatory impact is where an employer uses a neutral decision-making process with a discriminatory effect but does not intend to discriminate. A height requirement or a skills test that discriminates against members of protected classes, such as Hispanics, Asians, or females, is one example. Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971).

Discrimination cases involving disparate are rare. More cases involve discriminatory treatment. MEL discusses discrimination mainly in terms of discriminatory treatment.

Unlawful Discrimination- The Exception to Rule

Most forms of employment discrimination, surprisingly, are legal. If education is important, employers can legally prefer a younger applicant who has a degree from a prestigious university to one who is less qualified. The employer may have a discriminatory motive for preferring a higher education candidate, but the motive is legitimate and rational. Employment decisions, even if they seem illogical, aren't illegal unless they are motivated in part by the protected class of an employee. For example, an employer might refuse to hire a 50-year-old female Asian who was born under the Aquarius sign. Even though it may seem absurd, discrimination based upon astrological signs is not prohibited by law. It was legal as long as the decision of the employer was not motivated by the employee’s race, age, gender, or gender.

Proving Illegal Motivation

It is difficult to prove unlawful motivation. Motive is invisible. It is impossible to feel or touch what someone thinks. Plus, most discriminators are either unable to see their discriminatory motives or clever enough to hide them. Therefore, there will rarely be any 'eyewitness testimony' as to the employer’s mental processes. United States Postal Service Bd. Bd. It is called "direct evidence" of discrimination when it is present.

Direct Evidence Of Discrimination

Direct evidence of discrimination refers to "evidence that, if believed", would support the conclusion that the employer engaged in unlawful discrimination. Jacklyn v. Schering -Plough Healthcare Prods. Sales Corp., 176 F.3d 921, 926 (6th Cor. 1999). Direct evidence can be obtained from decision-makers who make the following statements:

  • Defamatory remarks about the protected class generally ("You can't teach an elderly salesman how to market using social media")
  • Discrediting remarks about a protected characteristic of an individual, especially when it comes to work ("Tiffany is too busy because her son is disabled")
  • Remarks that reflect stereotypical views of people from a protected group ("Gretta is so bipolar. She will do something next that I don't know about.
  • Slurs and demeaning jokes that are based on protected characteristics ("I would like to ask you how old, but I know you forgot how high you can count")

Circumstantial Evidence

A discrimination claimant may have only circumstantial evidence that suggests unlawful bias. Kline v. Tenn. Valley Auth., 128 F.3d 337, 348 (6th Cor. 1997) (outlining the method by which a plaintiff can prove unlawful discrimination by the ADEA). Circumstantial evidence refers to proof that, while it does not establish discriminatory animus, allows a fact-finder to draw a reasonable inference of discrimination. Kline. 128 F.3d 348. You can use circumstantial evidence to support bias:

  • Treatment so extreme, inexplicable, unjust, or severe that it suggests discrimination
  • An employer's history of bias towards younger employees
  • Statistics show statistically significant differences between males and females in terms of the number of men hired or fired.
  • Neglective treatment of workers in the protected class, but not of those outside it and vice versa
  • Accusations or complaints about similar discriminatory treatment of protected class members by others
  • Without justification, violation of company policy regarding protected workers
  • Employers may use false reasons for adverse treatment to cover up the true reason.

One common thread in circumstantial evidence is how "comparators" are treated. These are employees who are similarly situated to the protected class. Employers that treat comparators in the same way as protected class employees will have evidence of discrimination against protected class employees and vice versa. Mickey v. Zeidler Tool and Die Co., 516 F.3d 516, 521-22 (6th Cor. 2008).

Pretext Evidence of Discrimination

An unjustified or false reason for a discriminatory employment action against an employee can shift the burden of proof in favor of the victim in cases where there is no direct, statistical, or comparator evidence. This is due to the U.S. Supreme Court's "burden-shifting", process to offset the difficulty of finding direct evidence of intentional discrimination. The burden-shifting process requires the employer to give reasons for the adverse action and allows the employee the right to attack the employer's stated reason. The jury can conclude that unlawful discrimination is being committed if the employer gives false reasons as a cover-up.

Employers know the true reason behind their actions better than anyone else, so proving that they are lying about the reasons is a way to prove unlawful discrimination. Employers who lie or give false reasons can be found guilty of unlawful discrimination by the jury.

In Discrimination Cases, Damages

Unlawful discrimination can be proven by an employee and the employee is entitled to be put in the same position as if the discrimination had not occurred. These can include lost wages, past or future, damages for emotional pain and suffering, and, in certain cases, attorneys' fees.

Discrimination in employment can take two forms: disparate (i.e. differing) treatment or disparate impact. Disparate Impact refers to the differing treatment that results from a neutral employment situation, such as a skill or agility test. Disparate impact discrimination is not addressed in this article. 

Disparate treatment is a form of discrimination that requires evidence that an employee's protected group was a motivating factor in the adverse employment decision. An example of age discrimination is where the employee must show that the employer made an adverse employment decision because of his or her age.

Bias motivates

Many discriminators don't admit to discrimination, and some actively deny it. Some people may believe they were not motivated by an illegal bias, even though it was. Employment discrimination can be extremely difficult, but not impossible to prove. You will need to prove employment discrimination using some or all the following evidence

  1. Direct evidence (or "smoking gun") such as:
    1. Discriminatory remarks
    2. slurs;
    3. Bias admissions ("women shouldn't be in law enforcement/shouldn't be on construction sites/are poor at math")
    4. Discriminatory or demeaning treatment or jokes
  2. Indirect evidence such as:
    1. Statistics (an all-white male executive team and a higher than expected percentage of older workers laid off);
    2. Other cases of discrimination similar to this;
    3. Employer fails to adhere to its policies regarding people in the protected classes.
  3. The pretext is a false excuse used by an employer to hide an illegal reason.


Proving Pretext

The U.S. Supreme Court adopted a process to prove unlawful discrimination because motivation is not visible. The process begins with what lawyers refer to as a "prima facie case". To prove prima facie, you must have:

  1. The employee is part of a protected class.
  2. The job is suitable for the employee.
  3. The employee was fired, demoted, or treated worse than anyone in the protected class.
  4. Discrimination caused injury to the employee (e.g., loss of wages or compensable injury).

If the discrimination victim can prove a prima facie case, he/she will prevail, unless the employer gives a valid, non-discriminatory explanation for its decision.

The employer does not need to give a discriminatory reason. The employer does not need to prove that it had a discriminatory reason. The victim can, however, attack the reason stated by the employer as pretextual if it states that the reason was not discriminatory. If the reason stated is not the true reason, or not sufficient to justify the adverse employment decision, it is pretextual. A judge or jury could infer from the false reason given by the employer that the employer attempted to hide an illegal reason.


  • Ahmah Hamidi
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۸ مزیت طراحی وب سایت برای کسب‌وکارها



66 درصد از مردم ترجیح می دهند سایتی زیبا را در مقابل سایتی ساده ببینند . طراحی سایت شما بخش مهمی از حضور بازاریابی آنلاین شما است ، برای ایجاد یک وب سایت خوب برای تجارت خود ، باید اهمیت آموزش طراحی وب سایت را درک کنید .

چرا طراحی وب سایت مهم است

1. اولین ذهنیت را برای کاربر ایجاد می کند
هنگامی که مخاطبان شما از وب سایت شما بازدید می کنند ، اولین ذهنیت از کسب و کار و برند شما برای کاربر ایجاد می شود . کاربران ظرف چند ثانیه درباره شغل شما داوری می کنند و هدف شما باید گذاشتن تاثیر مثبت بر کاربر باشد .

اگر وب سایت شما ناخوشایند یا منسوخ باشد ، مخاطبان سایت تصور منفی از تجارت شما خواهد داشت و باعث می شود وب سایت شما را ترک کنندو از وب سایت رقیبتان دیدن کنند .

آموزش طراحی سایت فروشگاهی از این جهت اهمیت دارد که بر نحوه درک مخاطبان از نام تجاری شما تأثیر می گذارد . یک وب سایت مناسب باعث می شود که آنها در صفحه باقی بمانند و در مورد شغل تان بیاموزند .


. این به استراتژی بهینه سازی موتور جستجو (SEO) شما کمک می کند
بسیاری از عناصر و شیوه های طراحی سایت بر نحوه انتشار مطالب در وب سایت تأثیر می گذارند ، که به نوبه خود بر نحوه خزیدن عناصر موتور جستجو و ایندکس شدن وب سایت شما تأثیر می گذارد .

گذشته از نحوه انتشار محتوا در وب سایت شما ، برخی از عناصر طراحی وب می توانند به طور مستقیم بر سئو تأثیر بگذارند . به عبارت ساده ، کدهای سایت شما نیاز به سئو دارد .

بهترین راه برای اطمینان از شیوه های مناسب آموزش سئو (و متعاقب آن مشاهده موتور جستجو) همکاری با آژانس طراحی وب سایت است که می داند چه کاری انجام دهد.


3. این احساس را برای خدمات به مشتری ایجاد می کند
مردم می توانند با مراجعه به وب سایت در مورد نحوه برخورد با آنها قضاوت کنند . طراحی سایت شما به آنها این بینش را می دهد که چگونه مخاطبان را پشتیبانی میکنید . اگر هیچ تلاشی برای طراحی وب سایت خود نکنید ، مخاطبان شما می دانند که شما هیچ تلاشی برای کمک به آنها نخواهید کرد .

وب سایت شما مانند نماینده خدمات به مشتری است . اگر وب سایت شما مدرن و جذاب باشد ، مخاطبان از صفحه شما استقبال بیشتری می کنند و به شما این احساس را می دهد که از افراد جدیدی که به وب سایت شما بازدید می کنند استقبال کنید.

از طرف دیگر ، یک سایت قدیمی و ناپایدار باعث می شود که تجارت شما سرد و دور از ذهن باشد . مردم نمی خواهند شغلی را انتخاب کنند که به اندازه کافی برای آنها ارزش قائل نباشد تا احساس خوبی برای اولین بار ایجاد کنند.

4. باعث ایجاد اعتماد کاربران شما می شود
مردم به وب سایتهای با طراحی ضعیف اعتماد ندارند . اگر آنها شاهد طراحی ضعیف شما باشند یا اطلاعات قدیمی به نظر برسند ، به سایت شما اعتماد نخواهند کرد.

تصور کنید شخصی که به دنبال سفارش عمده با یک شرکت تولیدی است و قرار است هزینه هنگفتی پرداخت کند ، اگر به طراحی وب سایت شما اعتماد نداشته باشد ، باعث میشود به وب سایت رقیبتان مراجعه کند . به طور کلی ایجاد اعتماد با مخاطبان بسیار مهم است تا در سایت شما باقی بمانند .

5- رقبای شما در حال انجام آن هستند
رقبای شما از قبل سایت خود را طراحی کرده اند . اگر می خواهید با آنها در رقابت باشید ، باید از تکنیک‌های افزایش سرعت سایت استفاده کنید . شما می خواهید وب سایت شما از سایر رقبا متمایز باشد . اگر یک وب سایت قدیمی ، منسوخ و کم کیفیت داشته باشید ، رقیب شما از شما پیشی می گیرد . وب سایت خوب طراحی شده آنها عملکرد بهتری نسبت به وب سایت شما دارد .

این بدان معنی است که آنها منجر به جذب کاربران بیشتر می شوند زیرا صفحه آنها جذاب تر است . وقتی در حال رقابت با مشاغل دیگر هستید ، خدمات مشابه و قیمت گذاری مشابهی دارید ، تنها به یک چیز نیاز دارید که باعث می شود تجارت شما از بقیه متمایز شود .
یک طراحی وب سایت خوب فرصتی برای کسب و کار شما برای نشان دادن ویژگی های منحصر به فرد شما است .

6. سازگاری

شما باید در هر صفحه در وب سایت خود فونت ها ، سبک ها و طرح های یکسانی داشته باشید . اگر در هر صفحه طراحی متفاوتی دارید ، باعث می شود سایت غیر حرفه ای به نظر برسد . همچنین ، شناختن نام تجاری چالش برانگیز می کند زیرا مخاطبان متوجه نمی شوندکدام یک از رنگها را با مارک شما ارتباط دهند .

  • Ahmah Hamidi
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چرا داشتن یک وب سایت مهم است

در دنیای مدرن وب سایت ها تنها ابزار بازاریابی هستند. وب سایت ها امروز برابر هستند با کسب و کارهای سنتی و فیزیکی با بیش از 3 میلیارد کاربر در سراسر جهان. به همین جهت آموزش ساخت سایت بسیار مهم است برای مثال وقتی می خواهید درباره یک شرکت اطلاعات بیشتری بدست بیاوریم در موتور جستجو گر گوگل آن را جستجو کرده و در نهایت به یک وب سایت متصل خواهید شد. همچنین برای محصولات و سایر خدمات از کتاب گرفته تا قطعات خودرو و یا حتی دارو این فرآیند هر روزه توسط میلیون ها کاربر تکرار می شود.

امروزه دیگر وب سایت یک ابزار تجمّلی برای کسب و کار نیست. بلکه امروز ساخت فروشگاه اینترنتی گاه از یک مرکز خرید قدرتمند تر و شلوغ تر است. دیگر با مشکلات زندگی پر سرعت امروزه پاساژ گردی ها هم جای خود را به وب گردی داده اند. و کسب و کار ها برای بر قرار کردن ارتباط دیگر به سراغ آگهی های روزنامه نمی روند بلکه بسوی موتور های جستجوی اینترنت مانند گوگل هدایت شده اند برای راحتی و سرعت بیشتر و جذابیت! این مقاله مقدمه ایی است بر اهمیت داشتن وب سایت در هر سایز و برای هر نوع کسب و کار.


امروزه تصمیمات خرید در موتور های جستجو آغاز می شوند

برای بدست آوردن مشتری های جدید شما احتیاج دارید که نحوه ساخت فروشگاه آنلاین فارسی را بدانید تا متوجه شوید که مشتری آینده ی شما در کجا و در چه زمانی فراهم کننده کالا و یا خدمات را جستجو می کند، درباره آن تحقیق می کند و در نهایت خرید خود را انجام می دهد. در دنیای امروز محلی که بیشتر مردم بیشتر از بازار های مختلف مراجعه می کنند اینترنت و بخصوص موتورهای جستجوی گوگل، یاهو و بینگ است. این موتورهای جستجو به ترتیب پر کاربرترین موتورهای جستجو هستند که تقریبا 90 درصد تعداد جستجوها را به خود اختصاص داده اند. گوگل با فاصله ی بسیار زیادی 6 از 10 جستجو را در اینترنت به خود اختصاص داده است. در دورانی که 93 درصد تصمیمات تجاری در موتورهای جستجو آغاز می شود اگر شما وب سایتی نداشته باشید عملا 7 درصد بازار شناخته شده هستید یعنی بخش زیاد 93 درصد باقی مانده بازار و مشتریان جدید و بالقوه را از دست داده اید. علاوه بر خرید ها و تصمیمات تجاری شرکت ها خرید های مشتریان و مصرف کنندگان عادی نیز آمار مشابه ای را نشان می دهد و هرچه کالا بزرگ تر و پر بها تر باشد جستجو و تحقیق بیشتری توسط کاربران در اینترنت صورت می گیرد. و تقریبا بین 40 تا 50 درصد فرآیند خرید کالا های مصرف کنندگان در جوامع پیشرفته از اینترنت آغاز شده که این آمار در کشور ما علیرغم کمتر بودن با سرعت بیشتری رو به رشد می باشد.


حرفه ایی بودن

اگر در این دوران شما یک وب سایت خوب ندارید عملا بخش زیادی از بازار شما را به عنوان گزینه ایی جدی برای خرید های خود در نظر نمی گیرند. من شخصا خود برای یک خرید خوب، شرکت ها و فراهم کنندگان خدماتی را که وب سایت ندارند را هم بررسی می کنم اما نداشتن وب سایت می تواند نشانه یی از حرفه ایی نبودن در مدیریت آن کسب و کار به نظر بیاید. تصور کنید شما برای تعطیلات می خواهید از خدمات یک شرکت توریستی استفاده کنید. در گذشته بنر ها در پیاده رو ها و یا تابلو های شرکت معرف خدمات بودند و امروز وب سایت ها شما را به تعداد بیشتری مشتری بالقوه معرفی می کند. تبلیغاتی چون تراکت جای خود را به تبلیغات شبکه های مجازی داده اند. حتی اگر شما از تبلیغات شبکه های مجازی استفاده کنید داشتن یک وب سایت چون داشتن محل فیزیکی شرکت به شما مشروعیت و امکان در دسترس بودن بیشتری می دهد.


دیده شدن و در دسترس بودن

قبلا اگر می خواستید کسب و کار شما رونق بگیرد نسبت به توان سرمایه گذاری خود محلی را برای کسب و کار انتخاب می کردید که افراد بیشتری از آنجا گذر می کردند که بیشتر و بهتر دیده شوید. یا حتی محلی را انتخاب می کردید که حرفه ایی تر به نظر بیایید. کسب و کار شما می توانست یک زیر پله یی باشد تا یک مغازه چهار دهنه و یا یک شرکت بزرگ؛ از حاشیه یک شهر تا در قلب پایتخت. هر کسب و کاری نیاز به دیده شدن و در دسترس بودن دارد. مثلا در گذشته سپهسالار بورس کیف و کفش بود و حافظ بورس ارز و طلا، مولوی بورس عمده فروشان و پرنده فروشان. اما امروز کسب و کار تغییر کرده کسی برای خرید الزما به این مراکز مراجعه نمی کند. یکی از این دلایل عمده کمی وقت و ترافیک است و دلیل امروزی تر امکان مقایسه بیشتر و ارزیابی بهتر ازطریق وب سایت هاست. وب سایت هایی که از طریق یک گوشی کوچک تلفن همراه در هر جایی قابل دسترسی هستند. و بیشتر صاحبان کسب و کار های موفق امروز از وارد کنندگان و تولید کنندگان گرفته تا خرده فروشان اینترنت و فضای مجازی را محلی مناسب و مهم برای کسب خود یافته اند. فضایی که هر نوع کالا و خدماتی راه خود را به آن باز کرده و خریدار و فروشنده هر نوع کالایی یکدیگر را پیدا می کنند.

این صحیح است که اگر امروز شما وب سایت هم نداشته باشید باز کسب و کار شما در آگهی ها، کاتالوگ ها، و در مغازه یا شرکت و کارخانه شما در حال کار کردن است و یا حتی به خوبی کار می کند. اما بقول معروف دنیا عوض شده و پس از این هم خواهی نخواهی تغییر خواهد کرد. با توسعه زیر ساخت های اینترنت کشور و ارزان تر شدن گوشی های موبایل و کامپیوتر و جاذبه ی جادویی فضای مجازی افراد روز به روز وقت بیشتری را در این فضا گذرانده و گاه فضای مجازی جای فضای فیزیکی را گرفته اند. سوال این است آیا شما می خواهید مشتری ایی که خرید خود را از اینترنت آغاز می کند را از دست بدهید؟ آیا دوست دارید با جستجو شدن نام کالا و نوع خدمات شما مشتری اول نام شما را به عنوان ارائه دهنده در صفحه نمایشگر خود ببیند؟ آیا می خواهید شما هم بخشی از این بازار و کسب و کار آینده باشید؟ مطمئنا کسی به این سوالات پاسخ نه نمی دهد. مسلما هر کسی در پی مشتری بیشتری هست. پیشنهاد می کنم با انتخاب یک استراتژی سئو خوب  نوع کالا و خدمات خود را در اینترنت جستجو کنید سپس نگاهی به تعداد سایت ها و ارائه دهندگان بیاندازید آنها رقبای امروز و فردای شما در تلاش برای جذب سهم بیشتری در بازار و حتی گاهی در مشاغل پر رقابت در تلاش برای بقا در بازارهای اقتصاد مردن هستند. داشتن یک وب سایت اولین قدم برای حضور در این بازار پر رفت و آمد است.


هزینه بازاریابی پایین

ساخت وب سایت یک روش ارزان برای بازاریابی و ارتباط بی واسطه با مشتری مورد نظر شماست. نسبت به نیاز و خدماتی که می خواهید در یک سایت ارائه بدهید هزینه ها می تواند متفاوت باشد. و حتی این خدمات را می توان به تدریج در وب سایت سرمایه گذاری کرد. مثلا شما گاه فقط نیاز به یک وب سایت زیبا و جذاب برای معرفی شرکت و خدمات خود دارید. وب سایتی که در موتورهای جستجو شما را اولین گزینه در جستجوی کالا و خدمات شما معرفی کند. یا یک وب سایت با توانایی سفارش و پرداخت آنلاین و با قابلیت های گزارش های حرفه ایی مالی، مدیریتی و داده ایی. در هر صورت یک وب سایت می تواند از هزینه های شما کاسته، سرعت، چابکی و معروفیت بیشتری را به کسب و کار شما بدهد. شما می توانید خود را توسط این وب سایت معرفی کنید. آدرس سایت شما مسیری هست برای شناخته شدن و ارتباط متقابل شما و مشتری هایتان. همچنین این آدرس وب سایت رابطی است برای استفاده در تبلیغات شبکه های اجتماعی که با یک کلیک شما می توانید پذیرای مشتری جدیدی باشید که در فضای وب سایت، شما و خدمات و کلاهایتان را ملاقات می کند.

از سوی دیگر ایجاد وب سایت برای بازاریابی خود یک سرمایه گذاری است. شما یکبار این هزینه را انجام داده و سالها از آن بهره مند می شوید. در مقایسه با سایر روش های بازاریابی پایدار بوده و همیشه قابل دسترس و استفاده است.


دستیابی به فرصت هایی خارج از محدوده جغرافیایی

شاید بزرگترین کاری که اینترنت کرده است این باشد که دنیا را کوچک تر کرده و مرزهای جغرافیایی را برداشته است. دیگر هر کالا و خدماتی، هر تولید کننده یی می تواند کالا یا خدمات خود را به خارج از محدوده خیابان و محله خود به کل کشور و بلکه به خارج کشور معرفی و صادر کند. گاهی تنها کافی است که مشتری بداند که محصول مورد نیاز او در منطقه ایی تولید شده است تا بتواند برای خریداری آن اقدام کند. برای درک این مطلب تنها سری به فروشگاه های آنلاین یا آگهی های آنلاین بزنید. از کتاب های قدیمی مدرسه گرفته تا حیوانات استوایی همه و همه مشتری خود را دارند تنها می بایست ارتباط مشتری و فراهم کننده برقرار شود. با داشتن یک وب سایت شما فارغ از این هستید چه محلی قرار دارید موتورهای جستجو شما را به مشتری متصل می کند. تنها باید در این فضا وب سایتی داشته باشید.


ذخیره اطلاعات در وب

وب سایت شما همچنین می تواند یک مرکز داده و اطلاعات هم برای شما و هم برای مشتری شما باشد. این ذخیره داده و اطلاعات می تواند به شکل های مختلفی صورت بگیرد. مشتری شما می تواند کلیه کالا و خدمات شما را بصورت کاتالوگ دیجیتال دریافت کند بدون اینکه نیازی به چاپ آن باشد و از طرف دیگر شما می توانید به راحتی تغییرات لازم را در کاتالوگ های خود اعمال کنید بدون اینکه نیازی به هزینه های گزاف چاپی داشته باشید. و یا با ثبت نام مشتریان در سایت آنها از تغییرات و محصولات جدید به طور الکترونیکی آگاه شوند. یا اینکه شما اطلاعات بیشتری از محل جغرافیایی کسانی که به سایت شما وصل شده اند بدست آورید تا بتوانید کالا و خدمات خود را نسبت به آن اطلاعات ارائه کنید.


خدمات سلف سرویس در وب

فایده دیگر داشتن وب سایت این است که شما می توانید ساپورت بهتری به مشتریان خود ارائه دهید و این کار حتی توسط خود مشتری شما صورت بگیرد. برای مثال داشتن قسمتی به عنوان سوالات متداول و یا صفحه هات پرسش و پاسخ می تواند تا حد زیادی به نیاز اطلاعاتی مشتریان شما پاسخ بدهد. و تقریبا هر سرویس ارائه شده در وب سایت بطور همزمان می تواند مورد استفاده چندین کاربر قرار بگیرد که این امر در حالت فیزیکی و حضوری بسیار کند و دشوار خواهد بود و خدمات آنلاین می توانند کیفیت و سهولت غیر قابل رقابتی را به ارمغان آورد. علاوه بر این نیز از تعداد نیروهای انسانی مورد نیاز کاسته و بهره اقصادی بیشتری دارد.


وب سایت داشته باشیم یا شبکه های اجتماعی؟

شاید این سوال برای شما پیش بیاد که چرا وقتی من از شبکه های اجتماعی برای توسعه کسب و کارم استفاده می کنم باز هم به وب سایت نیاز دارم؟ این سوال خوبی هست و بعلاوه ما همیشه این سوال را می پرسیم، وب سایت یا شبکه اجتماعی؟ گاهی می پرسیم چرا ما باید برای طراحی وب سایت و فضای هاست هزینه بکنیم؟ چرا فقط از شبکه های اجتماعی مثل تلگرام اینستاگرام یا گاهی فیسبوک یا توئیتر استفاده نکنیم؟

شبکه های اجتماعی برای کسب و کارها فواید غیر قابل انکاری دارند. شبکه های اجتماعی رایگان هستند و میلیون ها کاربر و یا مشتری بالقوه در هیجان برقرار کردن ارتباط با کسب و کار شما هستند. علاوه بر آن شبکه های اجتماعی نیازی به دانش فنی ندارند. تقریبا هر کسی به راحتی می تواند یک حساب کاربری در کمتر از یک دقیقه باز کند و شروع کند به تولید محتوا در ارتباط با کسب و کاری که دارد. شما می توانید در شبکه های اجتماعی از خودتان، محصولات تان و هر چیزی که با آن می تواند با مشتری ها ارتباط پویا تری داشته باشد توسط عکس، فیلم یا متن ارتباط برقرار کرده و تبلیغ کنید.

علاوه بر کاربری آسان شبکه های اجتماعی آنها همچنین با موتورهای جستجو اینترنت مانند گوگل سازگار هستند. سازگار بودن موتور جستجو یعنی در اینترنت و فضای مجازی در دسترس بودن. یعنی اینکه اگر در گوگل نام شرکتی را جستجو کنید اگر آن شرکت در شبکه های اجتماعی حضور داشته باشد، گوگل لینک مرتبط با شبکه اجتماعی آن شرکت را برای شما نمایش خواهد داد.

اما داشتن وب سایت برای یک کسب و کار با داشتن یک حساب کاربری در شبکه های اجتماعی متفاوت است و علاوه بر آن رایگان نیست. یک وب سایت از یک شبکه اجتماعی هزینه بیشتری دارد. و اما هزینه تنها تفاوت بین این دو نیست. وب سایت ها فوایدی مهم تری از شبکه های اجتماعی دارند. سوال این است که چرا علیرغم وجود شبکه های اجتماعی کسب و کار ها اقدام به ساخت وب سایت می کنند؟ یا چرا بعضی از شرکت های بزرگ و شناخته شده ی دنیا از عضویت در شبکه های اجتماعی امتناع می کنند؟

فایده داشتن وب سایت قابل مقایسه با صفحات شبکه های اجتماعی چیست؟ در یک کلام هیچکس در زمین کس دیگری یک عمارت با شکوه نمی سازد. اگر شما از شبکه های اجتماعی در هر سطحی استفاده می کنید شما باید از قوانین صاحب آن شبکه تبعیت کنید. و از سوی دیگر با محدودیت های آنها نیز کنار بیاید. از همه مهم تر با تغییر قوانین و سیاست های آنها کسب و کار و سرمایه گذاری که شما در فضای مجازی انجام داده اید مستقیما تاثیر می پذیرد. مثلا با تغییر الگوریتم های جستجو یا الگوریتم های نمایش محتوا برای سایر کاربران صفحه شما در شبکه های اجتماعی کمتر و کمتر دیده خواهد شد. چه کسی می خواهد برای اندکی هزینه نکردن برای خرید زمین ساختمانی را در زمین شخص دیگری بسازد که شاید روزی مجبور به ترک و رها سرمایه گذاری خود شود؟

وقتی شما یک وب سایت به نام کسب و کار خود دارید آن وقت است که کنترل کامل بر سرمایه گذاری خود دارید. دیگر قوانین و محدودیت های شبکه های اجتماعی بر شما تاثیر ندارد. شما می توانید از شبکه های اجتماعی نیز به عنوان یک گزینه فرعی استفاده خود را ببرید اما نه به عنوان پایگاه اصلی. با یک وب سایت می توانید نسبت به نیاز کسب و کار خود خلاقیت داشته باشید امکانات و کنترلی داشته باشید که در شبکه های اجتماعی وجود ندارد.

وب سایت شما مثل مکان فیزیکی کسب و کار شماست با یک آدرس ثابت است اما حساب کاربری شما کمی شبیه شماره تلفن شماست که اگر تغییر کرد دچار مشکل می شوید اما بواسطه محل ثابت خود همیشه قابل دسترس هستید. شاید بهتر است بگوییم شبکه های اجتماعی تنها یکی از ابزارهای بازاریابی هستند و این ابزارها با تنوع شان در حال تغییر و اغلب ناپایدار هستند. برای مثال روزی فیسبوک توانست رقیبان پیش از خود مانند اورکا، یاهو 360 و غیره را به کنار بزند و تبدیل پر کاربر ترین شبکه اجتماعی در بین دوستان شما شود. اما آیا امروز به مانند گذشته است؟ کاربران تنوع طلب دیگر در پی شبکه های جدید مانند تلگرام و یا اینستاگرام افتادند و این مسیر تنوع و تغییر در آینده تکرار خواهد شد و جذابیت های ابتدایی در نهایت کم رنگ می شوند. پس بهتر است به فکر یک فضای پایدار و همیشگی در فضای مجازی باشیم و شبکه های اجتماعی را در حد کافیت در کنار سایر ابزار های بازاریابی استفاده کنیم.



در مجموع اگر دارای کسب و کار هستید و وب سایت ندارید نگاهی به آینده انداخته و کسب و کار مشابه خود را در فضای اینترنت جستجو کنید. شاید برای اینکه دید بهتری از آینده و قدرت فضای مجازی داشته باشید بد نباشد که در نمونه های خارجی آن نیز در اینترنت نگاهی بیاندازید. بعلاوه نگاهی به گذشته نه چندان دور بیاندازید: روزی در ایران خرید، فروش و پرداخت آنلاین امری بعید و غیر معمول بود اما روز کاملا عادی و ضروری است. و روزی فرا خواهد رسید که کسب و کاری که بعید می رسید پای خود را به فضای مجازی باز کند حضوری قاطع و همیشگی در یک آدرس اینترنتی داشته باشد.


  • Ahmah Hamidi
  • ۰
  • ۰

امروزه با وجود فضای اینترنت که جهانی ، نا محدود و رایگان است کسب و کار ، تبلیغات ، خرید و فروش ، سرگرمی ، اخبار ، معرفی و … شکل دیگری به خود گرفته و هرکس از هر جای دنیا می تواند متناسب با نیازی که دارد برای معرفی حرفه خود با طراحی سایت و یا وبلاگ هر آن چه که می خواهد را انتشار دهد . وب سایت ها بعد از تلوزیون مهم ترین رسانه می باشد که حتی برای بعضی افراد رسانه اول می باشد به طوری که بسیاری از کتاب ها را نیز از طریق وب می خرند و همچنین برای ارتباط با دیگر افراد از وب سایت هایی مانند فیسبوک و یا ابزار های چت مثل واتس اپ ، تلگرام ، وایبر و … استفاده می کنند .


چرا آموزش طراحی سایت مهم است؟

امروزه مهم ترین جنبه حضور تجاری دیجیتال موفق، طراحی وب است. این بدان معنی است که افراد باید همیشه سعی کنند بهترین سبک های وب سایت را که برای مشاغل آنها مناسب است، پیدا کنند. اگرچه افراد زیادی هستند که می توانند وب سایت ایجاد کنند، اما یک وب سایت طراحی شده که ظاهری صیقلی و کاربردی داشته باشد به یک فرد ماهر نیاز دارد.

وقتی به طراحی مجدد یا اولیه وب سایت خود می پردازید، ممکن است از اهمیت طراحی وب سایت تعجب کنید. اینکه یادگیری طراحی سایت می تواند چه تاثیری بر مخاطب و تجارت شما داشته باشد؟ در اینجا چند دلیل مهم که باعث می شود طراحی وب سایت برای یک تجارت خوب اهمیت داشته باشد را بازگو می کنیم.

– طراحی وب اولین برداشت مخاطبان را تعیین می کند.

اولین برداشت مخاطبان از تجارت شما زمانی است که از سایت شما بازدید می کنند. آنها در عرض چند ثانیه در مورد تجارت شما قضاوت می کنند و شما می خواهید در این چند ثانیه اول تاثیر مثبتی بر ذهن مخاطبان خود بگذارید. شما باید طراحی سایت خود را به عنوان چهره دیجیتالی تجارت خود در نظر بگیرید.

اگر طراحی سایت شما مخاطب را به خود جذب نکند یا منسوخ به نظر برسد، مخاطبان شما بلافاصله تصور منفی از تجارت شما خواهند داشت. یادگیری طراحی سایت از اهمیت زیادی برخوردار است زیرا بر نحوه درک مخاطب از برند شما تاثیر می گذارد. یک طراحی سایت خوب به شما کمک می کند تا از رقبای خود پیشی بگیرید.

– یک فروشگاه آنلاین خوب، تعداد مشتریان را افزایش می دهد.

زمانی که یک کسب و کار اینترنتی یا حتی حضوری وب سایت مناسبی داشته باشد می توان انتظار داشت که نرخ افزایش مشتریان و تبدیل مخاطبان به مشتریان این شرکت افزایش پیدا خواهد کرد. اگر به دنبال دلیل این موضوع هستید، باید دقت داشته باشید که اگر شما وب سایت مناسبی ارائه کنید کاربران شما بدون گیج شدن مستقیماً به آنچه به دنبالش هستند خواهند رسید و اینگونه مخاطبان و بازدید کنندگان تمایل بیشتری به وب سایت شما نشان خواهند داد.

وب سایت شما مانند یک نماینده خدمات مشتری عمل می کند. اگر سایت شما روشن، مدرن و جذاب باشد، کاربران در صفحه شما استقبال بیشتری خواهند نمود. با این کار شما این احساس را در آنها ایجاد خواهید کرد که با روی گشاده از افراد جدیدی که از وب سایت شما بازدید می کنند، استقبال می کنید.

– یک وب سایت پاسخگو به کسب و کار در دستیابی به مشتری بیشتر کمک می کند.

طبق تحقیق اخیر مرکز تحقیقات پیو، مشخص شد که کاربران بسیاری از تلفن های همراه خود برای تجارت استفاده می کنند. این بدان معناست که مشاغل باید با ایجاد وب سایت هایی که می توانند مشتریانی را که از کامپیوتر خود دور هستند، با استفاده از آموزش سئو به سمت خود سوق داده و این مجموعه جدید مشتریان را به خود جذب کنند

اگر وب سایت شما از نظر ظاهری دارای ویژگی های منحصر به فرد و زیبایی نباشد و حتی برای موبایل سازگاری مناسبی نیز نداشته باشد در نتیجه شما مخاطبان خود را از دست خواهید داد، این موضوع باعث می شود که از اعتبار سایت شما نیز کاسته شود.


مزایای یادگیری طراحی سایت

وقتی نوبت به بازار کار می رسد، طراحان وب تقریبا در هر صنعت قابل تصوری تقاضای زیادی دارند. به این دلیل که فارغ از صنعت، یک شرکت برای موفقیت در این روزها باید حضور آنلاین داشته باشد.

یادگیری طراحی سایت به شما مهارت های لازم برای ایجاد وب سایت های پاسخگو برای کارفرما و یا مشتری مستقل خود را می دهد و یادگیری این مهارت ها از مدارس با کیفیت برای طراحی وب می تواند شما را از سایر افراد در بازار کار طراحی وب متمایز کند.

در بسیاری از موارد، شرکت های بزرگ ترجیح می دهند طراحان وب داخلی را استخدام کنند تا در مشاغل طراحی وب در محل کار کنند.

این امر به آنها امکان دسترسی تمام وقت به کارمندی را می دهد که قادر به ساخت سایت های دستی است. اگر می خواهید از این حرفه طراحی وب سایت مطمئن شوید، باید بدانید که فناوری وب در حال حاضر چگونه جهان را شکل می دهد.

مطمئنا، می توانید اصول استفاده از وردپرس و سایر الگوها را برای ایجاد سایت های جذاب برای کارفرما یا مشتریان یادگیری طراحی سایت را خود به خود بیاموزید. اما، اگر می خواهید در کارهایی که انجام می دهید زیرکی داشته باشید و از حرفه طراحی وب مطمئن شوید، بهترین شرط شما حضور در یک دوره آموزشی با کیفیت است که در زمینه آموزش و یادگیری طراحی سایت تخصص دارد.

یادگیری نحوه تولید محتوا، صفحات، برنامه ها و غیره کاربرپسند یکی از چشم انداز های مهم آموزش امروزی است.

– یک مهارتی بیاموزید که با آن درآمد کسب کنید.

حقیقت این است که طراحان سایت می توانند درآمد زیادی کسب کنند. می خواهید به دنبال شروع یک کار جدید باشید، کسب و کار خود را شروع کنید یا به سادگی کمی درآمد کسب کنید، یادگیری طراحی سایت می تواند به شما کمک کند تا درآمد پرسودی در این زمینه کسب کنید.

هنگام انتخاب مسیر شغلی یا تغییر مسیر به سمت دیگر، حقوق تنها عامل مهم انتخاب نیست. اما نمی توان اهمیت آن را غیرقابل انکار در نظر گرفت. حقوق توسعه دهندگان وب قطعا ارزان نیست. در یک گزارش های موجود در مجلات خارجی، این شغل را به یکی از پردرآمدترین مشاغل موجود در بازار تبدیل کرده است.

– در هزینه های بازاریابی صرفه جویی کنید.

در دنیای امروز، بیشتر از نیمی از جمعیت آنلاین هستند. اینترنت به یکی از مکان های کلیدی تبدیل می شود که در آن می توانید محصولات زیادی را بفروشید یا به جمعیت زیادی خدمات ارائه دهید.

همانطور که گفته شد، تقریبا تمام مشاغل در عصر حاضر به یک سایت نیاز دارند. با توجه به رشد اینترنت، یادگیری طراحی و توسعه وب یکی از مهارت هایی می شود که می خواهد تجارت خود را به صورت آنلاین اداره کند و از آن سود کسب کند. بنابراین HTML، CSS و Javascript به نوعی زبان برنامه در صحنه برنامه نویسی تبدیل شده اند.

شما می توانید هزینه های زیادی را صرف استخدام یک متخصص طراحی وب کنید تا سایت های خود را برای شما طراحی و نگهداری کند یا اینکه خودتان یاد بگیرید چگونه این کار را انجام دهید. تسلط بر خودتان می تواند به مرور زمان در هزینه های کسب و کار آنلاین شما صرفه جویی کند.

– طراحی وب، فناوری همیشه مورد تقاضا

در همه حال، زمانی که فناوری و ابزارهای جدیدی وارد بازار می شوند، فناوری های قدیمی از رونق می افتند. تنها فقط تعداد کمی فناوری وجود دارد که برای همیشه در صنعت و بازار باقی می مانند. یکی از آنها طراحی وب سایت و توسعه به دلیل رشد تجارت آنلاین است.

امروزه تقریبا همه چیز در اینترنت یافت می شود. پاسخ به سوال اینکه آیا معنی دارند یا نه، فروشگاه آنلاین، دوره ها و آموزش های آنلاین، سرگرمی های آنلاین مانند فیلم ها و بازی ها و حتی دوست یابی آنلاین در اینترنت وجود دارد. با افزایش محبوبیت و تقاضای فناوری این نسل در سطح جهانی، نیاز افراد با مهارت برنامه نویسی نیز افزایش می یابد.

بنابراین، یادگیری طراحی سایت و توسعه وب برای ماندن در مسابقه تجارت الکترونیک بسیار مهم و حیاتی می باشد و اگر کسی از این موضوع آگاه باشد، می تواند در صنعت دیجیتال حرفه ای عالی داشته باشد.

همچنین مهارت و استعداد طراحان وب همیشه در تقاضا دارند تا در ایجاد منابع اینترنتی با کیفیت به کارآفرینان و مدیران سایت کمک کنند. کلاس های طراحی وب به دانشجویان این امکان را می دهد که نه تنها در تهیه وب سایت بلکه در فعالیت های فرعی دیگر نیز فعالیت داشته باشد.

به عنوان مثال، می توان به یک توسعه دهنده بازی یا یک متخصص محتوای وب، طراح گرافیک، متخصص بهینه سازی موتور جستجو، بازاریاب یا هنرمند تولید تبدیل شد.

– شما می توانید رئیس خود باشید.

برای مهارت ها و کد های خود، نیازی نیست فقط به یک شرکت وابسته باشید. شما می توانید یک توسعه دهنده مستقل باشید، جایی که می توانید با برنامه کاری انعطاف پذیر برای کارفرمایان مختلف کار کنید.

چون شما یک طراح و توسعه دهنده مستقل هستید، مجبور نیستید بسیاری از مراحل رسمی اداری را طی کنید و حق انتخاب بسیاری دارید که در چه زمینه ای و در چه ساعات اداری از برنامه خود مشغول به فعالیت شوید.

– شما می توانید از راه دور کار کنید.

یکی از مزایای طراحی و توسعه دهنده وب این است که آیا شما به عنوان مستقل کار می کنید یا در یک شرکت کار می کنید، به شرط داشتن لپ تاپ و اتصال به اینترنت، می توانید کار را از هر جایی انجام دهید و محدود به زمان و مکان خاصی نیستید. اگر یک رعد و برق یا طوفان برف در جریان است، شما می توانید در حالی که به راحتی در خانه خود هستید، بدون دغدغه فعالیت های خود را انجام دهید.


– شما می توانید یک تجربه جالب و سرگرم کننده داشته باشید.

برنامه نویسی مانند جادو در رایانه ها، وب سایت ها و نرم افزار است. می توانید متن ها را ظاهر یا ناپدید کنید، یک دکمه قابل کلیک ایجاد کنید و حتی تصاویر را به هر کجا که می خواهید روی صفحه بکشید. همه اینها بستگی به این دارد که شما می خواهید یک نرم افزار یا یک وب سایت کار کند.

اما جادوی رایانه ها تنها چیزی نیست که طراحی و توسعه وب را به یک کار سرگرم کننده و مهیج تبدیل می کند. این تصور وجود دارد که شما در حال ایجاد چیزی هستید تا زندگی مردم را آسان تر و لذت بخش تر کند.

بسته به اینکه در چه زمینه ای کار می کنید، چه یک وب سایت برای بیمارستان، یک مدرسه یا یک کسب و کار ایجاد کنید، این کار را برای کاربران آسان تر می کنید.

شما به آنها کمک می کنید تا بلافاصله یک بیمارستان یا پزشک مورد نظر خود را پیدا کنند یا با آنها تماس بگیرند، به دانشجویان اجازه می دهید بدون هیچ زحمتی به نمرات خود دسترسی پیدا کنند و یا به یک شرکت تازه کار کمک می کنید تا رشد کند، در حالی که از هیجان برنامه نویسی لذت می برید چیزی در زندگی دیگران کمک می کنید.

– خلاقیت خود را بهبود ببخشید.

همانطور که قبلا ذکر شد، طراحی بخشی از شغل یک توسعه دهنده وب بوده و خلاقیت یک مهارت حیاتی برای توسعه وب است. شما باید خلاقیت خود را شکل دهید و ایده های مختلفی ارائه دهید.

طراحی وب می تواند برای انواع خلاقیت عالی باشد زیرا به شما امکان می دهد مکان کسب و کار زیبا و کاربردی، با استفاده از رایانه خود تولید کنید. اگر به دنبال راهی برای استفاده از جنبه خلاقیت هنری خود هستید، طراحی وب یک روش عالی برای انجام آن است. در دنیای امروز، یادگیری نحوه طراحی وب سایت می تواند مهارت فوق العاده مفید و کاربردی باشد.

– به یک مسئله ساز بهتر تبدیل شوید.

حل مسئله یکی از مهم ترین مهارت هایی است که یک طراح و توسعه دهنده وب باید داشته باشد. همانطور که به منطق کد های خاص و اشکالات ظاهری فکر می کنید، ذهن شما را قوی تر می کند و طرز تفکر یا نحوه برخورد شما با انواع مختلف مشکلات پیچیده را بهبود می بخشد. شما محدودیت های خود را خواهید دانست و بیش از توانایی های خود و تقویت استعداد های ذاتی خود با چالش بیشتری روبرو خواهید شد.

تصمیم گیری برای انتخاب شغل همیشه یک تصمیم دشوار خواهد بود، به ویژه هنگامی که مطمئن نیستید پس از صرف وقت و هزینه برای یادگیری یک تجارت جدید، نتیجه آن چه خواهد بود. خوشبختانه، تقاضای زیاد، یادگیری آسان و تجربه سرگرم کننده یک طراحی و توسعه دهنده وب سایت همیشه یک گزینه عالی برای کسی است که آماده یک حرفه هیجان انگیز در کد نویسی است.

آیا مشارکت در روند های فناوری اطلاعات جالب نیست؟ آیا بخشی از رشد سریع فناوری سرگرمی محسوب نمی شود؟ این که آیا شما از قبل مهارت دارید اما قادر به به روز کردن آن نیستید یا حتی اگر اصلا سابقه برنامه ریزی ندارید، شروع به یادگیری برای پیوستن به سرگرمی برنامه نویسی هرگز دیر نیست!



  • Ahmah Hamidi